Chapter One: The Sick Boy and the Slum Kid

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A/N: Hi, everyone! I've decided to start another longform story to flex my writing muscle for In Tune, which has garnered so many amazing responses. I really appreciate all of your support and longing for new content. This is an idea I got while in the car on the way to my vacation destination and I've been working on writing here and there all week so far. I'm really excited for this one so I hope you show this story the same love and support you have shown In Tune. Thank you all!

~Mimi xox

Chapter Soundtrack:
On the Street (Solo Version) - J. Hope
King and Lionheart - Of Monsters and Men
Wandering Wolf - Wave and Rome

CONTENT WARNINGS: swearing, terminal illness, poverty, sexual innuendo, alcohol and nicotine use, clubbing/"exotic" dancing for pay, mentions of family death/orphanhood


Taemin rubs sleep from his heavy eyes, wincing at the crack in his back as he pushes himself up into a seated position. He danced a little too passionately the night before. He would regret if he hadn't made enough cash for dinner the next couple of days.

He tucks a piece of long, golden hair behind his ear, glancing down at the sleeping young man next to him; his dear older brother, Lee Jinki. In his poor health, Jinki usually sleeps later than Taemin. The younger brother caresses a piece of dark brown hair away from Jinki's closed eyes, kissing his forehead softly.

He sighs, rummaging aimlessly for the pair of glasses that rests on his bedside table. "Ai shibal..." The word melts into clarity as he puts them on. "Better."

"Mm... Taem... Come back. Cold.", the older murmurs. He gets cold often from his illness that's left him so frail. Taemin sighs, gazing sadly at Jinki's hollowed face and gently pinching his cheek.

"Hyung, I want to, but I can't. I have to find work so we can get more medicine for you."

Jinki drapes a slender arm over his eyes, sighing into the air. He knows better than to even try to keep Taemin home from hustling unless a limb is dangling clear from his body. The elder brother feels useless, unable to work in his condition. Everything is left up to Taemin.

"I can go a couple days without it, Taem..."

Taemin scoffs, climbing out of their shared bed, just a mattress on the floor. He glances in the simple mirror hung on their mostly-bare (aside from a few posters and Polaroid photos) wall, smoothing his sleep-tousled blonde hair. "Don't even try that with me, Ki-ah."

The younger grabs his pack of smokes from the bedside table, tying his shaggy hair back away from his face. "Hey, you should try to eat a little breakfast.", he explains to Jinki, ignoring the sternness that settles in his expression at the sight of Taemin's cigarette dangling between his teeth.

I know. Ironic how I'm always worrying about Hyung's health when I can't keep my hands off of these things.

Taemin opens a window, lighting up and exhaling out into the open air. He keeps the smoke away from his brother as the older trudges to the bathroom.

"One of these days, I'll make you stop that...", Jinki murmurs under his breath.

Taemin rubs his chest over the place in his heart where the guilty pang stings the most. He reaches behind his head, stroking through his ponytail to comb out any entangled strands. He notices a neighbor in the apartment across the alleyway leaning out of her window to do the same as him, raising his small hand to wave at her.

Here for the Heartbreak: Taemin X Minho Where stories live. Discover now