05 - Proud peacock

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On the day of Robin's departure, Sunday was working as always, preparing some documents all over again. Sitting on his luxurious chair, he thought about the night two days ago. The Memokeeper's annoyed face was peeking at him through his memory. So he was right, that girl truly isn't human. And the documentation of her last check up has also confirmed his theory. Y/N had a glowing shape of a star on her back. During the check up, she was most likely still unaware of it. Sunday thought it would be better, if she hadn't known about her true identity. It could make his plan go to waste if she knew. Now that Robin will be on her cosmic tour, he'll finally get the chance to get closer to Y/N. Apologizing for his sudden outburst from the past would be enough for her to forgive him, right?

Sighing, he got up from his chair and looked at his watch. It's about time he'll have the last chance to say goodbye to his sister. As much as he loved her, he couldn't wait for her to depart. Y/N will be here all for him only.

Walking across the hotel halls full of various portraits, plants and carpets, Sunday has arrived to the meeting point. He immediately noticed the girl he couldn't get off his mind talking with his sister. Y/N looked so adorable when she was hugging her. She was so magnetic, an invisible force making him look at her. Think about her. But since when she got this close with Robin?
Oh, how he wished he was the one she was hugging.

"Sunday! Hello!" his sister saw him and called out to him happily. Y/N stopped the hug and turned to Sunday. They made an eye contact. The halovian man's heart skipped a beat and the hitherto sleeping butterflies awoke, crazily fluttering in his stomach. He felt like his insides would burst any second, but he didn't make it known. Robin was smiling at her brother, but the beautiful goddess he wanted so desperately to look at him, kept her usual neutral expression. Sunday finally walked a few steps to talk to his sister. He tried to calm his mind down. His sister is about to be gone for a few months and he's thinking about some girl.

"Greetings, sister," he greeted the bluenette. Forcing himself to ignore the celestial presence beside his sister, he was unsuccessful. "Greetings Y/N."
"Hello Mr. Sunday," she simply said, looking straight to his soul with her dead orbs. But in his eyes, they were still as shiny as ever. Then she looked at Robin.
"I see you have your brother here, we've already said goodbyes so I shall go. Promise me to send me a message! Have a safe trip," Y/N chimed and gave her dear friend one last hug. Whispering something in Robin's ear, Sunday could only guess what Y/N said. Nevertheless, he wouldn't know what words they exchanged anyway. With her gorgeous legs, wearing heels that Robin gave her, the girl walked away from the siblings, thinking about her newest interest. The Dreamscape.

Sunday's golden eyes looked into Robin's emerald ones, searching for answers. "Sister, did Y/N make any complains about me? She seems to be quite distant these days," he asked his sister. Maybe Robin could know since their friendship only bloomed like a daisy in spring. And he was right, his sister knew what Y/N thought about him. But she sighed, knowing that she cannot break her promise. "I don't really like Sunday, he wasn't very nice to me last time I talked to him. But don't tell him please," her friend's voice echoed in her mind. It was from their past conversation not too long ago. "I don't think so, but maybe consider approaching her with a smile if you feel like she's being distant," Robin advised. Sunday could tell that his sister was hiding something from him, but he didn't make it obvious. After all, how could he? He didn't want to make Robin feel vulnerable .
"Thank you for your advice, but my original question I wanted to ask you, was how do you feel about the tour?" Smiling, he knew that he had to ask the question so he would seem like a caring brother, even if he already knew what she was thinking.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 [Sunday x FEM!reader]Where stories live. Discover now