sesenta y dos. [1]

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"how do you like it?" Aleyna asked as she looked down at her son. she was standing by the kitchen counter , with various cheese crackers , peanut butter , apples and some other snacks infront of her. Miguel was sitting on the stool , happily chewing on a half sliced apple with peanut butter on it.

"bien" Miguel muttered as he showed his mother a thumbs up. Aleyna smiled and bent down to kiss his forehead. she took out a small plate and stacked some of the other snacks , aswell as the cheese crackers and took out some juice, pouring some in a plastic cup.

"come on , bebe. let's go outside" Ally said as she took the plate and cup in her hands. Miguel jumped off the stool and walked behind his mother , his half eaten apple slices still in his hand.

the sun was shining , the grass were green , soft jazz music was playing from the record player in the living room and the birds were chirping.

it was a beautiful atmosphere.

Aleyna stopped at the patio and put the plate and the plastic cup with the juice down before Miguel got onto the wooden seat.

"wait , let me get a cushion." Ally said and walked in the livingroom to get a soft cushion for Miguel to sit on.

upon seeing her , the two dogs - Hulk and Milo , jumped up from their seats on their dog beds. Hulk was huge so his was much larger than Milo's.

"come on" Aleyna said as the two dogs followed her. she found Miguel drinking some juice , some of it trailing down to his chin.

"calm down , amor. you'll choke" she said and carefully took the plastic cup away from him and wiping the excess juice from his face.

she placed the cushion underneath her son. "mama will be inside , okay? yell if you need anything" she said and he nodded his head , his eyes still on his snacks.

Aleyna went to the kitchen. she could see directly to the patio where Miguel was sitting and kept an eye on him while she gave the two dogs some food and water.

Aleyna cleaned the counter and put all the things in the sink , washing them.

Leo was at training , he had been since 5 this morning , Maia was at school and that left Aleyna at home with Miguel.

Leo had wanted to get her some help around the house but the woman refused. Leo's other helper was back in her hometown and Aleyna refused to have someone in the house she didn't know.

Leo insisted , because Miguel could be a handful and the dogs could be hard to handle sometimes as well.

that and because of the fact that she was 5 months pregnant.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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