the gentle art of listening

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"Guys, this isn't funny." Brandon was telling their mom and Bree about how this girl has a crush on him at school. It's quite cute, to be honest. He doesn't find it amusing, though. Bree was laughing, while her mom was quietly snickering.

"I didn't say it was funny. I said it was adorable." She says, putting a bowl of salad on the counter to be washed. He scoffs, looking at her as if she was crazy.

"Adorable? How about psychotic?" Their mom shakes her head, smiling at him.

"Brandon, a girl has a crush on you. You should be flattered."

"Flattered about a 14 year old girl who follows me around all day? And the worst part, is that if I accidentally make eye contact with her, she pretends she's looking over the rainbow or something." She puts chicken in the oven.

"She's shy, that's all. What's her name? Maybe Bree knows her."

"I don't know and I don't care." He says, getting annoyed.

"Oh, you're such a heartbreaker, Brandon." Bree says, making him throw a piece of salad at her, to which she successfully dodged. Brenda walks in the door with a glum look on her face. They say hello to her, to which she ignores and walks upstairs. Bree rolls her eyes at her sister's dramaticness.

"Why is it that she always waits until your father's out of town before she goes theatrical on me?" Their mom asks, making them shrug. Brandon puts his bowl down, sighing.

"Let's go talk to her," He says, motioning for Bree to follow him. She lets out a groan, following him upstairs. They knock on Brenda's door, opening it to see her faced down on the bed, clearly not in a good mood. "Hey," She mutters hello, letting them know that she's not sleeping. He sits on the side of her bed, while Bree goes to the other one. "Brenda, are you on something?" She then snaps up, hitting him with the pillow.

"Get out of my room!" She yells at him, making him let out a snort. Bree glares at him.

"Bran, I got this from here. Just, never open your mouth again," He rolls his eyes at her, leaving the room. Brenda sits up, pulling the pillow to her chest. Bree sits beside her, looking at her thoughtfully. "Now, I'm not leaving until you tell me what's wrong. You can talk to me."

"It's not a big deal. It's know how much I like Kelly and Donna. I mean, they're practically my best friends in the world. But, how many days in a row can you go shopping until you're officially declared brain-dead?" Bree lets out a snort, smiling. She leans on her elbow, fully turning to her sister.

"Well, what would you rather be doing?"

"See, that's the thing. When we first got here, I thought I'd try out for cheerleading. I even almost asked you to do it with me." She says, making Bree furrow her brows. Cheer sounded fun.

"Why don't you? I wouldn't mind doing it with you." Brenda shakes her head, sighing.

"Nah, the cheerleaders are in this obnoxious little clique."

"Well, what do you wanna do?" She asks, making Brenda think for a bit.

"I wanna do something meaningful."

"Meaningful? Well, y'know, Andrea Zuckerman volunteers at this place, I think it's called the Rap Line. It's where they field calls from troubled kids and help them with their problems." Brenda looked hesitant.

"I don't know."

"What? Is it not meaningful enough for you?"

"No, it sounds fine. It's just...Andrea Zuckerman?" Bree rolled her eyes, hitting her arm.

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