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khamyri a'lesia jackson

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khamyri a'lesia jackson

"i am so sorry mrs. jackson, but we were unable to find the heartbeat." the doctor informed.

"no, that can't be right. check again." i sniffle glancing over at jhyzir and my mom, who held somber expressions on their faces.

"baby, they've checked her three times." jhyzir spoke, clearing his throat & taking my hand in his.

Tears rolled down my cheek, staining my face as the doctor delivered the sad news about our babygirl.

"khamyri, how have you felt after the loss of your last pregnancy?" my therapist questioned looking up from her notes.

I sat across from her, a lone tear cascading down my cheek and i quickly wiped it away. "um" i sniffled, clearing my throat as i lump formed.

Numb. "I haven't been myself, i still wake up in the middle of the night with cold sweats & i go into her nursery and sit in the handmade rocking chair, looking out of the window." i sigh, wiping the rest of my tears that i didn't know had fell.

"I've been journaling more and spending more time at home with the kids." I add, meeting her gaze.

"you are making a lot of progress since our first sit down two years ago. I am proud of you khamyri. Now, how have you and jhyzir dealt with physical intimacy since the miscarriage?"

"we haven't, well I haven't. he's been extremely patient with me, but i can't fathom the thought of getting pregnant again only to miscarry for the third time. I don't want to put either of us through that again."

Jennifer nods, writing down a few notes before tearing the page out and giving it to me. "I want you and jhyzir to go on a solo day trip, just the two of you and rediscover your intimate selves before you were married, parents, and in an open relationship. that's your homework for this week. we will see each other next week for your next session."

"thanks again, Jen. I'll see you next time." I grin, gathering my things and leaving her office, but not before scheduling my next appointment.

Before going home, i stop to get myself something to eat and before i got out my phone rung, an incoming FaceTime call from my child.

I answered the call and waited for it to connect.

"what do you want daughter?" i sarcastically groaned.

"ma can you get me something to eat?" jurnee pleaded batting her long lash clusters.

I scoff, "girl, do you have any money? cashapp me."

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