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jhyzir omiri jackson

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jhyzir omiri jackson

"i haven't gotten any loving from either you or milly. you don't make time for me & she's always working or out of town. I need someone to satisfy my needs just like i do for y'all, but it seems like y'all forgot about me and what i need." I sighed frustratedly, looking directly into khamyri's eyes, they held a mixture of sadness and hurt.

"you couldn't have communicated that? we are grown ass adults, not 20 something year old YOUNG ADULTS! COMMUNICATE!" i huff agitatedly. "you know what, i really give up. jhyzir, i don't care what you do from here on out, I'm done." she stood up and slip her diamond wedding ring off, placing it in front of me on my desk.

I wanted to fight for her, but my throat wouldn't communicate that effectively. I sat there watching as the love of my life walk out and i couldn't do anything to stop her.

"nigga, how the hell could you be so stupid and careless?" jasir semi-yelled at me as we sat in my office at the tattoo shop.

"i fucked up and don't know how to fix it. My marriage is bout to be over." i quietly ran my hands down my face, wiping away my tears.

zae and lucky walked in, lucky shook his head. "you just gone let that fine ass woman walk up out of here like that?" he sat down on the couch, shaking his head.

I glared at him, "watch it lol nigga that's still my wife & mother of my children." I lowly mumble.

"my fault" he grimaced, putting his hands up in defense.

"I SHOULD FUCKING KILL YOU. HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO MY MOTHER?" Jhymari's voice boomed, Jrue barged into the office after him trying to calm him down but he had enough.

I slowly get up from my chair, "mari i am still your father, watch who the hell you talking too." i sternly say putting my foot down.

"mari, please don't do this. calm down. take a breath."

"nah get the fuck away from me. i swear this ain't over old man, come near me, my siblings, or either one of my mothers again and i swear it's gonna be your biggest mistake." jhymari threatened before walking out for good.

"my mother been in her room depressed as hell, she won't eat nor work. you really the scum of the earth and if you don't fix this shit right the fuck now, we will come back here and i promise you it won't be pretty." jrue gritted, turning to walk away after mari.

| later that day |

I unlock the front door with my key only to find that it wasn't working, "i know damn well she didn't change the locks" i silently groan to myself as i take my phone out my back pocket.

I dial Milan's number, it rings but she picks up. "yes?" she said in her sleepy voice.

"come open the door for me please." i sighed putting my keys back into my pocket.

"sorry, i can't. i'm not even pose to be talking to you." she mumbled hanging the phone up making me shake my head.

I text meriyah, she agreed to let me in.

the locks on the door could be hear and the door opened, "what are you doing out so late?" meriyah groans, rubbing her eyes while stepping aside, i walk in passing by her.

"i was with your uncles, working later than expected." i told her, she didn't need to know the truth even though she probably already knew.

"well mama and mommy are asleep & mama told me to tell you that you were sleeping in the basement tonight." meriyah said turning to go back upstairs to her bedroom.

"ight. yaya.." i say, she turns around and looks at me.

"i love you guys, you know that right?"

"yes, we know that, but you shouldn't have cheated on mama or mommy." a small pout forms on her lips, "that isn't love pops, not at all." she said before disappearing up one side of the double staircase.

I take a deep breath going down the basement to my man cave. I shut the basement door behind me. kham had all of my clothes already down here, i silently groan, blaming myself for my situation.

I got undressed and took a nice hot shower. I changed into a white beater, red and black checkered pants and climbed into the king size bed. I laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling.

I haven't slept without either Khamyri and Milan in so long that i didn't know if i would be able to sleep tonight and however long it takes for me to get back in both of their good graces.

"unc i wish you were here, you'd tell me what i gotta do to get them back." i huff covering my eyes with my arm. after staring a hole in the ceiling, i closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


the boys are stepping 10 toes behind their mom , as they tf should 😌

jhyzir's in the dog house 😵‍💫



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