McKenna POV to Chapter 28

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I was walking down to breakfast when I got a call from Lee. I automatically got scared, as if something happened but, I stomached the thoughts knowing I couldn't be with him if I was always constantly worrying if everything was okay.

  "Good morning," I chirped as I opened the door to the girl's dorm room to leave.

 " Are you down at breakfast?" He asked.

" I'm headed that way. Would you like me to wait up for you?"

" I can meet you. Where are you?"

"Just leaving the girl's dorm building." I slightly fibbed.

" Okay, wait there."

"Will do." I affirmed.

I wondered what was so big for Lee to tell me, Part of me was hoping he was asking me on a date like a regular boyfriend, if that's what you wanted to call him but, the other half just wanted him to walk with me. To be the boyfriend that I knew I could never have with Lee because of his condition which I never looked down on, just scared. Scared because I like him so much and he could be out of this world any second and scared that he didn't like me at all. Stupid insecure thoughts, you would think after my sister death I would gain something but nope, just the same McKenna my parents never wanted. That was when I got a text from my parents saying that they just boarded the plane and that they would be here tonight, what a coincidence. To be honest I never really knew that my parents knew what texting was but you know, who cares. I was so into the conversation I was having with my parents about them being safe that I didn't notice Lee walking towards me.

" So I needed to talk to you before breakfast," Lee informed me.

 I looked up at him with a concern face hoping it wasn't what I thought he meant.

" You know how you said that your parents couldn't make it down for Christmas?" He said.

My once concerned face turn to a pained one. I couldn't believe he brought that up. I knew not to take it that serious because it could've been the snapping from his meds or his bi-polar disorder.

"Yes Lee, thanks for the reminder." I said in a sarcastic tone.

" Well I was wondering if maybe..." The words caught in his throat. I was really excited for him to say what he had to say so I raised an eyebrow encouraging him to go on. "... if maybe you wanted to come... Come with us to North Carolina," Lee finished, his voice sounding squeaky. I was so surprised and happy that all I could do was stare at him which might have gave the wrong impression because he quickly added," Only if you want to, I mean, I'd like you to come. But don't feel like you have to come or anything."

Boy, he did not know. When those words flew out his mouth I was literally holding in the girl consuming scream that wanted to leak out of my mouth. Why would he think I didn't want to come, that's all I want! A smile smiled spread across ,my lips when I replied," Lee, how many time do I have to tell you that I like you? And don't have to second guess yourself every time you say or offer something?" I knew I had to say that because he has little self- confidence and that he needed help building it which isn't much to say about me either. That's when I realized my parents and what they would probably say about that news so, to break it easy to Lee and mostly myself I said with a smile," That sounds amazing," And then there goes that breathtaking smile," But my parents are overprotective and would never let me go to North Carolina without adult supervision." I corrected. I saw the smile disappeared when I said those words and I could see the hurt in his eyes which made my heart constrict.

"Parker is going," Lee pointed out.

I was surprised he pulled that card so I raised an eyebrow, which was seriously starting to make my face hurt, and chided,"Lee, as much as I appreciate that, Parker's a 19-year old male. My parents aren't going to look at that as adult supervision."

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