1 hour to write on paper. no edit

10 0 1

Droplets cried upon the cracked window, smacking dirty cyan locks. An annoyed groan escaped behind crusty lips.

"The fuck is he?"

The leather that cradled the villain squeaked as he shifted. Pinkies up, the out of date Wii flickered. Be nice if All for One offered pennies, but the league made due. A test of strength to overcome more than hero's babble.

Wooden floorboards creaked to signify another. Tomura didn't bother, only the hint of his nostrils flared.

"You're late."

Silence, the ambiance of thunder gripped tight.


The coin on the screen spun. One of his lackey's found the tossed gaming system in the trash. An apology for failure. Dust trailed behind as the boss looked for an old television set.

"You know I work."

A new voice broke through the heavy as heavy soles stomped. Rustle of plastic was gently placed on the coffee table.

"Sorry, it's cold."

"I figured."

Lucky he couldn't decay the bastard, he actually enjoyed their game nights.

The ash tone scarf unwrapped, placed between the two.

"Why don't you use those hero funds to get us an xbox?"

An eyebrow raised, crimson eyes stung.


Long ago during a signing, Shigaraki made friends with Eraser. Before this shit went down. Unknown to him? The hero's signature sat guarded behind a glass case.

An eye roll as the two took a bite of cold teriyaki. Dabi? Toga? Not a clue. He made sure.

Shota handed sake halfway through the game.


Next month?

Yea, next month.

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