🌹Oneshot: Tartarus

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This is like so short... 💀
It's basically a scene that would be in The Sun and The Star so I recommend having read that book but I guess it doesn't matter you just might be confused.
They're in Tartarus looking for Bob and just being cute.

(They're dating)

Will's P.O.V:

Will sat on the floor of the white canoe, his boyfriend was asleep in his arms. Will runs his fingers through Nico's hair and smiles to himself.

God Nico was perfect

Their boat was slowly floating down the river of fire and strangely Tartarus felt calming. Sometimes he could hear monsters growling or chirping, but he'd become used to it. No monsters could get into their boat from land, so Will felt safe. He also had the 'Ghost King' there to protect him.

Small Bob was asleep on the boats bench, a soft purr admitting from him. Suddenly Nico shifts in his sleep, burying his face into Will's shirt.

"Will..." Nico whispers.

"I'm right here Nico." Will whispers back to the sleeping boy.

Nico let's out a sigh of relief and relaxes his body in Will's arms.

"You're too good." Nico mumbles.

"You're too emo." Will laughs to himself.

"You're waking me up." Nico mutters, opening his chocolate brown eyes.

"Too bad, at least you got some sleep." Will laughs, running his fingers through Nico's hair once more.

Nico yawns and sits up slowly.

"Are we there soon?" Will asks.

"I don't know, small Bob is leading us." Nico says.

"But he's asleep." Will points out, gesturing to small Bob's slowly breathing body.

"It's fine, cats have a way of knowing things. He won't miss our stop." Nico reassures Will.

Just as Will nods small Bob gets up, stretching his back and surveying the land around them. Was Tartarus land?

Small Bob meows and jumps on the boats walls, pawing at the wood.

"I think we're here." Nico says, grabbing an ore and digging it into the water.

The boat lurches as the ore hits the river bed.

"I guess it's shallow here." Nico shrugs.

Will takes the other ore and helps Nico stop the boat.
Swiftly Will's boyfriend jumps onto the shore and tugs the boat up with him. Will's body jerks in the seat, he follows Nico in getting off the canoe with small Bob.

"What is this place...?" Will wonders, looking at the red trees which drip sap.

"I've heard of it before, don't touch the sap." Nico says.

"I'm guessing it's poison?" Will asks.

"Yes, but before you die from it you'll start to burn." Nico explains.

"Like fire?" Will asks.

"No, more like a horrible sun burn."

"I don't know what that feels like." Will laughs.

"Oh right, son of Apollo." Nico snorts.

Small Bob suddenly takes off into the swampy forest and Will looks after him confused.

"Come on! We need to follow him!" Nico says, starting to sprint after the cat.

"Wait up!" Will calls, running forward to catch up to his boyfriend.

Nico grabs Will's hand and interlocks their fingers as they run.

"We're never gonna split up? Let's make that promise." Nico pants as small Bob slows to a walk in front of them.

"Sounds good to me. I don't ever wanna be apart from you. Especially down here." Will says, kissing Nico gently.

Nico's face flushes and Will caresses his cheek with a grin.

"That sounds great to me." Nico nods, hoisting his sword and spinning to follow small Bob.

Will couldn't help noticing how beautiful Nico looked, somehow he always managed to look perfect mid crisis. Will knew he probably looked a mess right now.

Nico had a dark beauty, he looked stunning in the shadows. But he also shone in the light. It was a shame he didn't like the sun but the sun sure did like him.

"Nico do you know where we are?" Will asks, walking beside his boyfriend with small Bob up ahead.

"I know what this forest is, but I've never been through it. I passed it on the river last time I was here." Nico explains.

"Where will Bob even be? With Nyx?" Will asks, scanning the trees around him as if Bob would just pop out.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure she had him. He goes against every thing she is." Nico says.

Will nods and swings an arm around Nico's shoulder. His boyfriend grins in response.

"Are we meant to fight Nyx?" Will asks.

"Maybe? We just need to find Bob, if that includes fighting Nyx then sure." Nico shrugs, as if fighting an all powerful goddess was something he did every day.


"Well, we're not going to be doing any sacrificing right? Because I'm set on leaving here with you, no way in Hades I'd go without you." Will says firmly.

"Me too, we all come back or non of us do." Nico nods.


I don't know what that ending was 😭 I'm sorry! But I hope you enjoyed

827 words

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