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Screamed a high pitched female voice.

"No, no"
Chan hyung panted as grabbed onto my hand and signaled the members to run faster.

We stopped at an alley way, catching our breaths, which didn't last long before.

Said a short haired girl,



No No

No please.

I thought, panting while running with Chan hyung and the others.

"Hey, there's a door there, let's just hide in there."

"Hyunjin are you fucking stupid?! What if someone lives there!"

"We don't have many options hyung"
Said Hyunjin with a shaky voice.


Dear lord.
I hope this ends well...

I thought before whispering to the members.

"Just, get in there. Please"
I said with teary eyes.

Chan hyung's jaw tightened. Before nodding and signaling the members to get in.

We're in.

"What the fuck"


1 hour before.

I sighed before placing my duffel bag on the shoe rack near my door.

Today's training was quite hard. Considering we are debuting next month.
But they still ended it early, as our trainer got food poisoning. So it was only 12pm.

I walked to the kitchen to make some healthy food. And by healthy food I mean Ramen.

Ugh I'm still sweaty.
I thought, ditching the idea of food until later.

I walked to my bathroom, stripping off my sweaty dance clothes, relaxing into the hot water, which was easing my sore muscles.

20 minutes later, I stepped out, feeling a chill down my spine as I walked out, still slightly wet.
I had forgotten to take my clothes into the washroom, so I decided to change in my room instead.

Feeling comfy in my skz hoodie and sweats. I was just about to step out of my room when I realized.

Ugh, homework

Yeah, I still have homework from my online school.

(Henjin: just to avoid confusion, her parents put her in an online school as she is mostly training in JYP. They put this just in case she wants to go pursue another career.)

I groaned at the thought but nevertheless, I sat my fat ass down and started doing
🤢 homework 🤢

4 hours later, i got up for a break.

At least I thought so.


Le what the shit.

I walked to the living room, turning on music as i started cooking, when suddenly...

"Just get in, please"
Said a shaky voice.

And then my front door opened,

Fuck how could I forget locking it?

Wait what.

8 men
I thought.

8 fucking men

They definitely looked familiar.

"What the fuck"
Were my first words as soon as I saw my role models..

Amazing Juyeon, you swore in your first meeting with Stray Kids.

"Hey, I'm so so so sorry, but could we possibly stay here for a bit? It's hard to explain but-"

I gaped at them.

"D-do you not know Korean? Sorry uhm"
Chan said, visibly upset.

"Uh no, I-I know Korean uhm yeah, please sit um, y-you"


A high pitched female voice said.

"It's our fan"
Han said, fear visible in his eyes.

"P-please, sit there,"
I stuttered, pointing at my couch.

(Henjin: I drew it the best i could, sorry if it doesn't make sense)

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(Henjin: I drew it the best i could, sorry if it doesn't make sense)

They nodded before sitting on the couch, watching me intently as I walked to the door.

I asked

"Excuse me, have you seen eight boys running here?"
She asked.

"Eight boys? No, of course not!"
I tried my best acting shocked.

"Oh okay."
She said, looking defeated.

I closed the door, walking back to the living room and looking at the boys who watched me in amusement.

Then I realized the problem.

My hoodie? Stray Kids.
My music? Stray Kids.
The boys in my fucking living room? Stray kids.
Hotel? Trivago.

"So, you a fan?"


Bless you beautiful souls who actually read my book.

How are you?

Hope you enjoyed!


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