third task

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Theodore POV

Today was the day of the third task. I had heard that it was a maze, which was also the reason they cancelled the quidditch season for the year.

"I think I may actually be excited to watch the final task," I told Blaize as we walked down to meet the rest of our friends at the quidditch pitch.

"Why?" Blaize asked me, a knowing smile growing on his face, "You excited to see a certain rival get his ass beat in the maze?"

I scoffed, "Krum's not my rival, I just hate the guy."

"Sure, that's why you only started hating him as soon as he started going out with Maddie, and why you beat the shit out of him after he broke her heart."

I whipped my head towards him, "How did you know that was me who fought with him?"

"I saw the cuts on your hands and the way you hid them under the table as soon as she saw his face."

"And you've just been letting her believe it was you this whole time?"

Blaize sighed like I had just said the stupidest thing he had ever heard, "I'm still counting on Blott happening in the future, and I don't know if she would be chill with knowing her future boyfriend attatcked her ex."

"Blott is not happening, get over it," I told him, "I don't even like her like that! In fact, I don't like her at all."

Blaize threw an arm around my shoulders and said in a sing-song voice, "You're right, you don't like her... You're in loveee with her!"

"I will push you down these stairs."

Blaze backed off with a laugh, leading the rest of the way to our seats.


I was sitting behind Maddie again, just like in the first task, where she was wearing that asshole's hoodie. Speaking of which, I don't think I ever got the hoodie I gave her back.

The four champions were led to the start of the maze, and the rules were explained. They would be released one-by-one into the maze.

The six of us got up booing and screaming insults as soon as Krum's name was called. We got a couple of strange looks, but I didn't care.

"I hope he gets eaten by a carnivorous bush," Maddie said.

"Yeah, I was praying he would drown last trial," I added without thinking.

She turned to face me with a glare, and said, "He wasn't a prick then and he was supposed to be saving me, why the fuck would you want him to drown last trial?"

Shit, she got me there.

"Well maybe I was hoping your annoying ass would drown with him."

She smirked at me and leaned up to whisper, "You probably shouldn't have saved me then. You can't complain about your own choices."

Shit, she got me again.

"Shut up and watch your replacement cry over him," I snapped at her.

She scanned the crowd looking for what I saw, and I tilted her head to show her where Granger was anxiously bouncing in place. Fucking pathetic if you ask me.

She smacked my hands away and went back to watching the maze in silence.


Madeline POV

I was generally pissed off. I was pissed off at all the people I saw cheering for Viktor, pissed at fucking Granger for having the audacity to look worried about him, and pissed at Theo for pointing it out to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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