Chapter 1 <3

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Its the first day of summer. Im lying on my bed looking out my window with one of my pillows on my chest, watching the clouds pass by and watching the tree branches slightly dance as the soft wind blows. its a Sunny day, and i have nothing to do. with the curtains pulled to the side i can feel the sunrays from my window laying on my pale leg. It felt good just to relax and not have to worry about anything for a chance.

as i turn my head away from the bright sun i look at my room, rembering all of the times me and my best friend Jackie would fangirl over this boyband, One Direction, pinning up posters and going insane if you found a good imagine on the internet of them. but after a while i couldnt handle all of the rumors and the hatred twards a girlfriend, I remeber i actually thought i had a chance with one of them, the guy that i had a soft spot for, Niall Horan. But all of that finally went away and i finally met reality. I relized that i am a girl, living in Minnesota, that could never get a big shot like him.

i looked down to my phone as it vibarated.

It was a text message from Jackie that read,

" lets go to the M.O.A today! ill pick you up at 12 C; "

as i looked at the time it was 11:30. i sprang up from my bed and texted quickly back,

"alright! text me when your here!"

i threw my phone on my bed and i sprinted to the kitchen to tell my mom. she was making chocolate chip cookies, she was just taking them out of the oven. The kitchen was filled with the sweet smell of cookies.

"mom im going to The Mall Of America with jackie today, shes picking me up in 30 minutes."

"alright, have fun! tell Jackie i said Hello!" spinning around to face me.

i walked over to pick up a cookie and i turned around to go back to get ready

"OWW WHAT THE" you yell from the pain of getting burned from the cookie. your mom starts laughing as i quickly ran down the stairs. ripping to cookie in half and putting some in my mouth, it was rich with chocolate chips.

when i got to my room i threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a white tank top, (heres a better image of the outfit, ) i straightend my hair quickly, put on some make up and then brushed my teeth.

by the time i finished getting ready jackie pulled into the driveway.

i walked up the stairs, picking up my purse and put on my flip flops.

"BYE MOM!" i yelled opening up the door, as i walked out the sun was so bright, i instantly squinted my eyes. it was like i was in my house for weeks. the warmth of the sun instantly hit my skin, if felt so good. it was finally summer.

as i slipped into the car jackie was lsitening to the radio.

" my mom said hello" i said putting your purse on the floor of the car.

*when you pull into the mall parking lot*

"why is it so damn crouded." i wondered.Jackie finally found a spot to park on the parking ramp, as she pulled in the radio station excitingly said,

"One Direction is at the Mall of America today! all you directioners dont want to miss it!"

me and jackie looked at eachother. giving eachother the 'Are you kidding me' kind of look.

" *sigh* we arnt going to make it to one store with all these kids around us. " Jackie said.

jackie got over the band shortly after i did. The fandom was crazy and not welcoming at all. it was pathetic and i couldnt handle it. her and i both.

as me and jackie got out of the car we saw kids with face paint with "1D" written across their foreheads.

jackie and i shut our car doors and started walking to the doors.

as we walked through the doors we could see signs with "One Direction here at the Mall of America!" written on them.

"where do you want to go first?" jackie asked.

"we can just walk around and just go to stores we would want to go in, we have all day." i said looking at her.


we walked passed where the hudge line was. it was impossible to get by, little girls screaming in your ear as the boys from One Direction got up from the signing table and headed to wherever they were heading.

the massive croud followed them. i couldnt really see them, and it wasnt like i was trying to anyways. as me and jackie walked the croud was right next to us. we continued to walk and make sure our bodys didnt get crushed.

i looked to my left and i saw a Blonde guy with tons of girls around him. his eyes looking at me. he smirked at me and bit his lip. i looked away and he continued to walk away, that was Niall Horan. i looked at him as he was walking away, talking in one of the body gaurds ear. the body guard looked at me and back to Niall, he nodded and contined to walk.

jackie looked at me.

"damn. too bad you arnt into him still."

"whatever, that didnt happen." i rolled my eyes and went the other direction.

we talked and talked about what we should do this summer. we were both 18. we could do whatever we wanted.

"oh hey lets try go to forever 21!"i said and pointed to the store.

"ohh yea i wanted to get a couple outfts from there, alright." jackie answered,

as we were looking at clothes i was giving jackie a few ideas on what she should get.

" yeah, ok that looks cute, let me go try them on and make sure they fit!" she said, walking away and leaving me there.

as i looked through the racks i got a tap on my shoulder, i turned around to see the tall blonde boy. i looked up at his face.

" can i help you or.. " i spoke.

" Hi, im Niall. " he spoke and smiled at me. looking into my eyes. his eyes were so beautiful, i could get lost in them.

" ohh yeah, your from One Direction . H-hi, im Sam .. "

" ha yeah. i saw you earlier, i would have came over but.. you know." he said with his cute irish accent.

i started to giggle " yeah.."

" i just wanted to see if you would want to hang out? maybe tonight? i have a show and after we could go eat..? i can get you back stage so you can see the show? it will be funn." he smiled big.

" yeah sure, why not."

" alright." i handed him my phone and he put his number in. and then i did the same to his phone.

" there you go! i gotta go, see you tonight!" he gave me back my phone and quickly ran out of the store.

" ehh-hem "

i quickly turned around to see jackie standing there smirking at me.

"that never happend k?" i looked at her.

"mmhmm, ok." she started laughing at me.


if you liked the first chapter make SURE you comment that you want me to keep going. C:

hope you liked it!

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