The green house of Pamela Isley

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5-year-old Quintette Quinn was left abandoned on the street by her other foster parents once they had noticed that Quintette was Harley Quinn's 2nd daughter
She was wondering around the area until she reached
What seems like an abandoned greenhouse in Pamela Isley she begins to look around until she feels something latched around her ankle

"Sticking your nose where you shouldn't be? Unless you're here for the flowers, dear, you don't belong here. State your business said a lady who wears alot of green her name was Poison Ivy

Um... I am sorry my name is Quintette Quinn I am the daughter of Harley Quinn the daughter who she had given up for adoption I was abandoned by my adopted family because they found out whose daughter I was said Quintette

*Ivy listens to Quintette's story*

That's a tragic past, but I can understand their reasoning. No offense to your mother. Still, you've entered the domain of Poison Ivy, what business do you have here?

I was just looking around
*5-year Quintette's stomach started to growl*

Hm... hungry? I'll fix that, at least...

*Ivy grabs a leaf crushes it, and hands it to young Quintette.*

Eat up. That one should settle your stomach.

*5 year Quintette made a face she never liked eating vegetables but she didn't want to be rude*

*Ivy chuckles*

I understand the look on your face. It's not vegetables. It's a medicinal herb. A leaf from the Indian Coleus plant. I promise it's not gonna taste like the worst thing in the world.

can you put me down *said 5-year-old Quintette who was still tied upside down*

*Ivy snaps and sets Quintette down gently on the floor.*

Alright. Now eat up that leaf, and I'll be making you something that should taste better. No promises on if you'll like it, though.

*5-year Quintette started to eat she started to say thank you to poison ivy in a mouthful*

I can't hear a word you're saying, munchkin.

*Ivy laughs as she grabs a few other medical herbs, mixing them together in a pot over a small fire.*

*Quintette did remind poison ivy of someone*

*Ivy continued stirring the herbs together in the pot.*

You remind me of someone I know a little too well, munchkin.

Who is that Quintette asked *as she whipped her mouth with her sleeve*

*Ivy looks to her.*

A very annoying woman named Harleen Quinzel, also known as Harley Quinn. She's constantly up to no good, and getting on my last nerve at all times.

*5-year-old Quintette looked nervously at Ms. Ivy*

Don't get that look on your face, you're not like your mother at all. You're too young to be like her at this point, anyway.

Here, you can help me stir this. This is going to be a medicinal soup, it should help you grow big and strong.

*Ivy hands a stirring spoon to Quintette, smiling a little.*

*5-year-old Quintette takes the spoon from poison ivy and begins to stir the medical potion in the pot*

There you go, you're doing a good job. Now, stir a bit more...

*Ivy smiles proudly, watching the young Quintette stir the potion together, but notices something odd within the mixture.*

Am I don't something wrong 5-year-old Quintette asked in a concerned voice

*Ivy shakes her head, not wanting to cause worry for the young one*

It's nothing for you to worry about, munchkin. Just keep stirring. I'm almost done.

*Ivy continues working on the potion, but the feeling in her stomach that something was wrong still lingered there*

* Quintette continues to stir*

*Ivy finished the potion, and looked up at Quintette.*

Alright, I think it's finished. Would you like to be the taste tester and tell me how it is?

Sure said 5-year-old Quintette

*Ivy got a bowl and grabbed some of the healing soup, pouring it into the bowl and handed the filled bowl to Quintette*

Be careful, it's hot, but I added some herbs for medicinal properties and to make it taste better. Be honest with me in your opinion.

*Quintette takes the medical soup and begins to taste it*

How is it? Does it taste good? *Ivy asks, folding her arms and awaiting the response.*

*5-year-old Quintette who was still quite hungry drank the soup off*


*Ivy smiles at the young Quintette. She didn't want to be harsh to a child, but if she was going to stick around, a stern voice would be needed to keep her in check.*

Now, if you want another bowl, you must do something for me, something very important. How does that sound?

Sure what is it said 5-year-old Quintette

*Ivy bent down to the child's face, and stared intently at the young one, the seriousness in her expression made her look a little terrifying*

I want you to stay away from your mother. I don't want you to know anything about her or her habits. Can you do that for me, munchkin?

Why asked 5-year Quintette in a curious voice

Your mother is not a good person. She does horrible things.

*Ivy said sternly. She wasn't going to sugarcoat much here.*

Oh okay said 5-year-old Quintette

*Ivy smiled at the young one, standing up straight.*

Good. Now, do you want a second bowl of that soup? I promise it'll help you feel better and get you more energy.

Sure and thank you said 5-year-old Quintette

Of course.

*Ivy smiles and grabs a second bowl, filling it with the soup. She carefully hands it to Quintette*

Be careful with this one, it's a little hotter than the first. Don't burn your tongue.

*As Quintette takes the other bowl of soup, she begins to drink it and accidentally burns the side of her mouth.*

You burned your mouth, didn't you?

*Ivy sighed, grabbing the bowl from Quintette*

I just told you it was hotter than the first. Let me see that burn.

Sorry said 5 year old As Quintette started to say as she showed Ivy the burn at the side of her mouth*

It's alright. Now hold still for me...

*Ivy places a leaf from the same plant she used in the soup onto the burnt part of the mouth.*

This should take care of that burn.

Be more careful with the rest of the soup. And don't go sticking that little mouth where it doesn't belong.

Yes ma'am said 5-year-old Quintette who had the leaf at the side of her mouth on the burn

*Ivy smiles proudly and ruffles Quintette's hair a bit. She was rather fond of this little one, for some reason*

That's a good girl. Now, keep that on for a bit till the burning feeling goes away. Then you can finish the soup, alright?

The story of Quintette QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now