poison ivy the mother figure

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*Ivy watched Quintette, making sure the girl would sit still and let the burn go away.*

A good girl, indeed. Do you have a place to spend the night, missy?

*5-year-old Quintette shook her head no she pointed at an area where she had been sleeping most of the time she didn't sleep because of how messy the area is at times*


*Ivy looked toward the area, then back to Quintette. She decided not to say anything about the mess, at least she had somewhere to sleep. But she couldn't let her keep sleeping in that mess. It wouldn't do.*

I can't let you sleep in that area, it's not right. You're coming with me. Grab anything you want, but you're sleeping in my room tonight.

*Quintette didn't have anything, not even proper clothes only clothes she found in the trash bins*

*Ivy frowned at the sight. A child like this shouldn't be out on the streets like this, it wasn't right*

Let's go.

*She walked to the exit, holding Quintette by the hand and guiding her through the greenhouse and toward her room.*

*Quintette followed*

*Ivy led Quintette into her bedroom. It was small, but there was a makeshift bed for guests, along with a regular bed that Ivy slept on. There was also a big couch. Ivy pulled the young child over to the couch.*

Sit here for a moment, I'll find you something to change into for tonight.

*5-year-old Quintette sat down on the couch*

*Ivy left into a different room before coming back a while later with a few different dresses. They were all ivy green, like her name. She also had pajamas. She laid them all out on the couch in front of Quintette.*

Try them on, and see which one fits you the best. You can even sleep in one of the dresses if the pajamas are too large for you.

*as 5 year old Quintette was trying on the clothes that was lad out for her she started to wonder about her father*

*Ivy smiled as she watched the young Quintette try on the clothes, but noticed her staring off in thought.*

What are you thinking about, munchkin?


*Ivy raised a brow, her interest piqued*

Tell me about your father. What do you remember of him?

I only know the he was a jackass
His name was joker right? Said 5 year old Quintette

*Ivy chuckled at that comment, the girl was right. The man was a jackass*

That's right, you father is the one and only Joker. And what about your mother? How do you remember her?

I don't remember anything about them actually I just heard about them on the news when I was on the streets said 5 year old Quintette

*Ivy looked at her with a gentle smile on her face. Her sympathy for this girl grew at that moment. No child should grow up on the street like this*

You've just been homeless for a long time? Have you been on your own this whole time??

Since I was 3 yes said Quintette

*Ivy's expression hardened as she heard that. She had been alone on the streets since she was only 3? With no parents to take care of her? Where was her mother? Where was her deadbeat dad? Ivy was appalled at this, and decided that this girl needed someone to look out for her*

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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