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There was no subtleness to this. It was either this or nothing at all. So why was he at the bottom?! Why did he have to open his legs to do this? Why did it feel so good? Why did his mind go fuzzy and blank? Why did his body crave his rough hands that stroked him in a manner like he was a woman? It didn't feel very pleasant to be spread on his back but when he hit so deep his mind just went blank. He felt drunk, more drunk than if he had gone to a bar and chatted up a few women. It was scratching an itch he didn't realize he had. Sleeping with enemy ninjas was a dangerous business and even riskier when they were mercenaries. 

But something was different and Jiraiya had the feeling he was being taken for a fool here. He was only 19 barely out on his first ever S-rank mission and he was being laid up in a shitty motel having the life fucked out of him. He could hear the banging on the walls telling them to be quiet and it only made the other hovering over him chuckle. He felt his cheek getting caressed, why did he purr and long for more of that gentleness? 

"You're being so loud," The voice was heard so clearly. It was steady, unaffected by the rough coupling he was inflicting on his body. His voice was clear, the kind that made you inclined to trust him. "They want me to gag you, calling you a dirty little whore with your escapades." 

Jiraiya could only give out garbled responses as his prostate was abused over and over again. Black back-length hair that had teal ends came into view and Jiraiya tried desperately to unblur his vision so he could see those teal eyes that were sparked with nothing but amusement, a small smirk on his lips. Before he could even say anything he was devoured by a kiss that was far beyond what he was used to. Maybe his immaturity was showing but his cock throbbed at the kiss, getting him harder than he was. He was drunk on this, their tongue molding together that had his heart bursting at the seams. 

"Raiya-chan, you're a cutie," He murmured as they pulled away. "May I have you?" 

"Y-You're already having me," He choked out, his back arched as he came, his eyes slightly rolling over.

"No, this is just your body," The other chuckled darkly. "A shinobi can always surrender their body. I want your soul, your unflinching loyalty to me. Do you think anyone can reach you in this way? That anyone can easily make you fall apart? I've taken everything you could ever hope to give to a precious lover so why not submit to me already? I'll take such good care of you." 

Oh wasn't that tempting. It was. It was the dream of any orphan when they found love. To have someone hold and protect them, to build a family with them. Jiraiya had been a virgin. For all his bravado and loose lips about his flings, they were nothing more than a facade to hide his insecurity of not being good enough for anyone. Not for his parents because they abandoned him. Not for his sensei who preferred that snake bastard. Not even his teammates because they always underestimated him. 

"Submit and I'll lay down my life for you," The other whispered in his ear, damn it made Jiraiya come a second time, throwing his mind into a sea of possibilities. He really could let go, not like anyone was expecting him to even complete this mission, and in the long run, it was inconsequential to the stability of the village. "Oh? You're crying." 

Those rough hands wiped his tears, giving him a kiss that was so gentle Jiraiya wondered if the other had such a soft side. He was forceful, mocking, and whispered nothing but poisonous sweet words. But this kiss was gentle, something Jiraiya could latch onto because while the other was so powerful as a lover this humanized him. He responded to that kiss in the same gentle manner, the thrusts that had caused him pain and blinding pleasure slowed to a gentle pace. It focused on building up pleasure this time, his hands caressing his nipples and this time it was lovemaking. 

'Lovemaking,' Jiraiya rolled that word in his mind, his desire to fight back slipping out of his body. He opened his legs wider, his thighs being held so tightly and his heart thumping a different beat now. He was always told that love could be a storm, there would be times of lighting and thunder but also lulls that would bring such peace and gentleness. The stranger above him was like that. He could bring chaos but there would be these moments of gentleness, he craved this. 

"You're giving me those eyes Raiya-chan," The other cooed as he kissed his cheek. "Are you submitting?" 

Jiraiya clung to his back, the first time he had held onto him the minute they entered the room. He had been gripping the sheets, refusing the other that offered his back as his scratching post. But he was clinging onto him, his sharp nails digging into his back. It was enough of an answer and he rewarded Jiraiya by giving him gentle love for the rest of the night. 

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