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"and where did you say you found her? Aoto?" The doctor ask, looking at the girl in front of him concerningly. "Well I found her at the park, she was unconscious, when i woke her up she had total freak out"  The Aoto said, shivering at the memory.  He glances at the girl beside him, when he found her laying beside the lake, he shook her awake, asking if she was okay, but when she awoke, hers eyes were mix with hatred and fear. She yelled and tried to attack him, breathing out blue fire, He was impressed at how huge and hot those flames were, but after that one attack, that seem to take her whole energy out, she collapsed on the ground. He quickly took her to the hospital. Which is how they ended up in this position. Azula continue to glare at the two men. 

I shouldn't be here..Where even am I..?..I can't remember what happened before I was aggravating, if it weren't for my small child body, I would've burn these fools alive..tho I can't make any rational decisions, I must stay clam, even if it kills me inside. 

"what's your name little girl?" 

"Azula" Azula said, "erm. what about your surname?" asked The Doc. 

Azula, princess of the Fire Nation, Daughter of fire lord Ozai and Ursa , younger sister of Zuko. 

Azula clench her fist, remembering how she was defeated by the hands of her brother Zuzu and that filthy snow peasant. "I don't have one" Azula said calmly.

"Who are your parents?" 

"Not sure"

"Why were you at the park?"

"I don't know"

"..What were you doing before you ended up at the park?.."

..I can't remember...I was with zuzu..and those 2 snow peasants and the avatar...We found our mother..I ran away..and found those traitors henchwomen! tch I would've killed them for  turning their back on me! but their simply not worth my leadership, they don't deserve it! ungrateful heathens!..wait..its all coming back to me..I remember now..


Azula looked down at her old henchwomen from the hill she was on, finally after dealing with that spirit, she found them, and they seemed to have rescued their teammate..Azula glared activating her lighting she was about to strike, but seeing them all laugh, enjoying each others presents. Azula stared at them before deactivating her lighting. "Silly girls, unworthy of my leadership" Azula turn away "I'll find new followers, a new place to rule" Azula walked away from the hill she was on. "I always do"....


...but I don't know what happened after doesn't explain why I'm I'm my younger child body..

"I don't know you miserable fool!"

"oh.." The doctor started sweating at Azula's threatening glare. "Ok well, till the police get here, you can just chill out in here for a while Miss Azula" The doctor said getting up. "Is there anything you need? Water? change of clothing?" The doctor asked.  "I request plain white rice and some tea at once!" Azula said demandingly. "uhh well I can't really give you te-"

"What's that!? are you denying my request? how dare you deny a helpless little girl!? you ask if i wanted some food and a drink right? why are you now switching? how selfish of you.." Azula said glaring at the Doctor. The doctor squeak, "ye- yes!! right away!! sorry!!" he apologized while bowing down multiple times before running out of the room. Azula smiled mischievously, she may of went a little too far, but she had to test to see if people still fear her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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