The Monster: Part 3: The Final Strike

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Slenderman's POV:

I look up the goddess of evil herself and sighed. For the safety of them, I thought to myself. It's ether I face the pain or they will.

"I'll do it. Do your worst just leave my family alone."

She laughs and opens the cage. "Fine then, a deal is a deal. You try and escape this deal then I'll make you watch your brothers and fiance suffer from my wrath."

I sighed out a shaky breath and stepped out, feeling a burning sensation beginning to flow through me. Like hot coils placed upon my skin. By this I could tell this will be on hell of a journey.


Splendorman POV:

I walked around my garden feeding the plants their water. I had a variety of flowers such as tulips and lilacs. Today was an calming day for me. I had no work to do since I finished my daily tasks.

I walked around watering and tearing out weeds, minding my business until I heard footsteps. Normally some kids will roam into my part of the woods and I would take care of them and get them home or a safer environment.

I looked up and saw a limping figure going through the woods. The body looking just like Slenderman's. Weird. He doesn't adventure off here and he's normally fast at healing. Did he get attacked by something? I better go check.

I headed on over to him but it was almost like he was hypnotized. He didn't notice me nor stop moving. He just kept walking. This isn't like him. I should probably follow him until he notices me. Until then I should keep quiet.

And on there we went. For hours. We past Offender's forest, Zalgo's and now entering an darker type full of fog and blue hue. Cold breezing through but no snow. This has to be a joke right? Does Slender have another enemy? If so why and what do they want?

As he headed inside, I teleported away before someone else could see me. I had got to an back area so I could probably climb and get inside. I saw a balcony and teleported there and got through the unlocked door, entering a bedroom. I headed over to the door and listened for anyone, I checked and was in the clear.

Slowly, I moved through the floor and hid in the dark. As I made my way down I listened to a scream following vomiting sounds. Oh dear Satan, it is another enemy.

Slenderman's POV:

My body falls to the ground, vommiting out blood and black liquid. Every bone felt crushed. My head smashed. My vision blurred to static. My whole torso trembling and not being able to hold the weight.

"Dearest...I did it all now please show me some sort of mercy.."

"Hm, nope!" She cackled. Holding a large septer and pressing down my spine. "I don't have to do shit!" She then lift up the staff and used the bigger end  to smashed my head against the floor. I felt the bile and acid in my stomach move up.

A ringing sound entering my ears as everything started to dim again. Dear Satan, just fucking kill me now.

Before I could tell what is happening, I hear a slicing sound and then a thud followed by another loud thud. A weight leaving my body.

I looked up my head to see her dead. Her head rolled to the other side of the room. Blood splattered everywhere. Splendorman behind and tentacles bloody. Chest heaving.

Last thing I heard was.. "Slender? Are you ok?"


I woke up in Zalgo's bed. Him sitting next to me and rubbing my head. A sense of comfort coming over me. My head still hurting but everything else ok.

"Hey Sleepyhead, are you ok?"

"Yeah, but my head does hurt."

Zalgo chuckled. "I bet it does. You were knocked out for a day. Your whole body spent that time healing you."

"What happened before I was knocked out?"

"Splendor got her, beheaded her good. Then we got you here and had my demons inject a serum and healed you up."

That's my brother alright. "Thanks and tell him I said thanks."

"I will, now get some rest, you have alot of healing to do. I love you."

"Love you too."

As I headed back to bed, I still felt off. It felt like everything wasn't alright. I knew I was ok and safe but is my brothers? Everything ended in a fast and easy way... Too Easy.

As I went to bed I felt a weird sensation. Feeling the wind from an open window hitting my back, there was another feeling. The feeling of being watched.



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