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Alarms blare all around me, the pathway to my Jupiter is cut off. I hear people screaming and my heart pounds in my chest. My feet start to pick up off the ground as I run the other way. I spot a family walking into their Jupiter and I run up to them, "Excuse me?" I repeat myself louder, "Excuse me, ma'am?" I caught the older woman's attention just in time.

"Can I help you?" she asks kindly. I take a moment to gather myself after running in my suit, she places a soft hand on my shoulder. "Why don't you stay with us for the evacuation? I bet it's just a maintenance thing anyways." I smile softly and nod appreciatively. We walk into their Jupiter.

I sit down in the hub and see a girl who looks very similar to the woman who helped me. "Hi, my names (y/n) (l/n) from Jupiter 2, what's your name?" I ask, buckling into my seat to prepare for liftoff.

"I'm Aiko Watanbe." she replies, giving me a soft smile. "Were you not able to get to your Jupiter?" she asks curiously.

I respond saying, "Yes, the blockhead doors were down. They normally aren't, which was weird." I look at her confused, thinking she might've had an answer. She shrugs.

I turn to my wrist device and try to contact Maureen, "Maureen, it's (y/n)." I pause for a response, "Maureen can you hear me? Maureen come in-"

Although glitchy and staticky, I hear her respond, I sigh softly. "(Y/n), what happened, we waited for you?" she sounded angry, or maybe frustrated would be a better term to use.

"Yea I know, my path way got cut off and going around would've taken a lot longer. I'm on the Jupiter 11 with the Watanbe's. They welcomed me in." I pause. "Did everyone make it there?" I ask hoping to hear some kiddos come from my radio.

"Hi Auntie (y/n)!" I hear Will chipper voice come through my coms.

"Hey Ms. Girl." Penny responds as her usual self.

"Hey Aunt (y/n)." Judy's voice comes in as well.

I grin hearing all three of my nieces and nephew. "How are you guys holding up? Weird evacuation am I right?" I say watching us move through the Resolute.

"Ye- it was- su- s-ange." I tap my device once or twice before trying to call them back.

"You guys are breaking up I'll call you later." I hope they'd understood what I said. I sigh and look to Aiko, "This is such a weird evacuation?" I questioned.

She looked at me and replied, "Yea, there normally aren't any at all but they're taking this one super serious. I wonder if something broke and like, toxic gas is spreading throughout." She chuckles softly, portraying that as a joke.

I laugh a little bit as well, "Or maybe there's an alien robot that's come to take over the Resolute."

We both laugh and continue to throw ideas together. All of a sudden a crash hits our ship, our faces drop as we grab onto our straps. The older lady from earlier and an older man run into the room and strap in. "The computer should land us safely, we just need to stay in our seats." The older man says to us all. We all nod, at least I think we are, as we begin to stop spinning. Our landing was a little bumpy but nothing the Jupiter couldn't handle.

We all grabbed a pack of things we will need and headed out of the Jupiter to see where we landed. In my opinion we could've landed a lot worse. We were right by a creek with tons of little rocks around us. "If we crashed down do you think everyone else did to?" I ask the others trying to calm my nerves and not panic.

Maureen's fine. Judy, Penny and Will are fine. John and Maureen wouldn't let anything happen to them.

I reach for my coms, "Maureen?" I pause hoping for a response. Nothing. I feel my throat start to close, "John?" I listen for a response. My lips start to quiver slightly, "Judy come in." I blow out a breath trying to calm down. "Robinsons?" I try one last time, my voice shaking softly.

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