"I bust my ass tryna provide for you Brooklyn. You have everything you want & more. But your so ungrateful & spoiled. Okay so what if I told you that you can not do the fucking song, I am your mother. You're living under my house & you're not grown. So until you get your own shit, then yes you have to abide by my fkn rules. It's just simple as that." I said as Brooklyn just huffed.

"I don't understand why you being such a bitch about it. It's just a song ma. You know what I don't care. I'm doing the song anyways. fuck you mean." She said as I just laughed & nodded. "Get out." I simply said. "What? Are you fr?" She asked as I nodded. "Yes I'm so fucking serious. Get out. If you can't listen to what I'm telling you then get the fuck out. I don't know who the hell you think you is tryna tell me what the fuck you gone do & what the fuck you ain't gone do. Get the fuck out my house since you think you so fucking grown. Matter fact let me call yo daddy." I said.

I walked upstairs & got my phone. I just can't deal with her no more. "Hello?" I heard on the other line. "Rihmeek your daughter has been giving me hell. I can't deal with that lil girl anymore. She just don't wanna listen to me. I have to give her over to you or I'll hurt her lil ass. I don't give a fuck about it no more, she can go to school up there. I just don't wanna be around her anymore since she think she's so grown. I want her out my fucking house." I said as he just sighed. "Well Nic I'll handle it. Ima call her later on & get her ticket & shit. Since she can't listen to you & think she so fucking grown then ima put her in one of my houses & let her ass pay the bills. Then she'll see how it feels to be grown. Why is she so upset anyways?" He said as I just shook my head.

"Bc she wants to do a fucking song with some little boy that she don't even fucking know. A nasty ass song talking ab pussy taste like tangerines like what type of mother would let her 16 year old daughter do some shit like that? Not I. But that's all I wanted. I'm going to bed now. Just call her bc right now I don't want to talk to her grown ass." I said as he said okay & I hung up. I sighed & went to take me a shower.

I cried as I packed a overnight bag. I was gonna go back to Bey house for tonight & hopefully talk to my mom in the morning. Once I was done, I knocked on her bedroom door & I heard water running so I sat on her bed until I was done. I wasn't tryna call her a bitch or anything, i honestly don't know what's gotten into me.

I waited for her to get out her shower. & yes I know how she is ab outside clothes so I already took my shower & shit. I heard the water go off & her bathroom door creak open. I sighed as I felt my heart beating. "Ma." I said seeing her jump as she came out her bathroom in her pink robe. "The fuck you want Brooklyn." She said with an attitude as I chuckled to myself a little.

"Can I talk to you? I know we talked already but I didn't get a chance to tell my side & how I felt. You kinda just flashed out on me before I was able to." I said as she shrugged. "I mean you wanna be grown right? Say what you gotta say ma'am." She said sarcastically as I just smacked my teeth.

"No. I don't wanna be grown. But I do want you to stop babying me & let me be free a little. You always have treated me like a baby, & don't get me wrong I love the attention, but I'm older now & I feel like I should be able to do a lot more things. Especially since im almost 17. I'm not a baby anymore ma so I don't wanna be treated like one. I also don't wanna leave here. I didn't mean to make you mad or anything but I know I did & I thought about my actions while I was packing my overnight bag. I'm sorry for calling you outta your name & acting so ungrateful. I guess I am too spoiled & I let that get in the way of a lot of thing. I'm so sorry ma. I never meant to make you break character like that. I'll drop the song situation, I just really wanted to do it bc I never been in a studio before. I didn't think about the lyrics of the song, I just was happy to be invited into a studio with a real influencer." I said as I heard her sniffing. Now I feel terrible.

"Literally Brooke. Why? Why do you have to give me such a hard time? I do everything for you. I try my hardest to raise you the best I can bc I didn't have this kinda life growing up. I had to pay my own bills at 14. Got kicked out at 13 for living fast. Had my first child at 14, but she got killed at the age of 1 bc of a senseless act of violence. 2 years later I met a man, we fell in love & I had you. We moved here to Houston & got married but divorced a couple years ago. You is my Angel on Earth baby girl. You'll always be my baby girl. & I understand you're getting older & shit but that doesn't mean you have to get out here & do the shit other ppl do at your age. It's not fun raising a child at 16 & making your childhood based off raising a baby or 2. I love you & I'll always love you. But right now I think it's best to be with your dad." My mom said wiping her tears as my heart dropped down to my ass.

Her back was turnt towards me & she was sitting at her vanity. She doesn't like for anyone to see her cry so that's why she wasn't tryna look at me. "Ma..." I dragged out as she put her hand up. "It's for the best Brooke. I just need a break. & after what you did today, you most definitely need some discipline in your life. Now I don't know how long you'll be in Cali bc that's where he's living now, but hopefully whenever you come back you'll learn a thing or two ab wanting to be grown. Now you don't have to go anywhere tonight bc im over it. But your father will be calling you." She said as I just nodded.

"Yes ma'am." I said lowly & walked out her room. I mean I saw it coming, I did come at her harshly. & one thing about it, my mom isn't who she was before. If she was, I'd be in the hospital right now. She doesn't tolerate disrespect too well but she's changed. Well for me did she, I don't know about anyone else cause I know recently she put Bey in a chokehold & made her tap out bc she called her the wrong name. But that's another story, im no storyteller.

I went in my room & told Blue the news. We texted until I got a call from my dad. "Hello?" I asked. "I got your plane ticket. You leave out Friday morning." He said as I felt like I could almost throw up. "But basketball tryouts for the upcoming school year is Friday." I said pouting. "I don't care. You shoulda thought about that when you disrespected ya moms. Now be packed & ready to go. I already Nicki cause I called her first so there's no need in making her change my mind. It's final. You need to learn the hard way." He said as I felt like crying. "Okay. For how long?" I asked. "Until ya moms call for you. & until we feel like you learned ya lesson." He said as I just felt the tears coming. "But I gotta go. I love you & I'll see you Friday evening." He said as I pouted again. "Okay bye dad. I love you too." I said as the phone disconnected.

I sighed loudly & cried myself to sleep. All over a fucking song Brooklyn? Really? Ugh, fuck!

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