The Beginning

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"So you're telling me this device will send me to the Twilight universe? Like... the Twilight Universe? Edward, Bella, the Cullen's and all?" I asked, dumbfounded. Never in a million years did I expect such an invention to be made, but here we were, and I was going to be one of the first to test it out as well... shocking considering I was a lunatic? 

"Yes. We have to program some sort of return though. You will repeat the same day over and over until x y or z occurs. Which we can program to be anything. Does that make sense?" 

I nodded my head. Holy shit! This was going to be incredible! 

"Now that we got that out of the way, what do you think we should program your return to be?" 

What should my return be? Obviously I couldn't live in the Twilight world forever... I love the world we live in today.... It needs to be something not easily achievable but also not super hard... Something exciting. Something scary? There were so many different options to choose from. 

Being turned into a vampire? Though that could get messy. Hmm... Being matchmaker? Perhaps I could see if I could set Edward and Bella up earlier. But that would mean I'd have to go back when she was human. Moody Edward sounds kind of boring...

Though hilarious cause I could troll him... wait! That was it! I could troll them! I already had a ton of ideas on how to do that. Oh boy, this was going to be fun! 

"Okay, hear me out... what if my return program is telling the Cullen's I know their secret without dying." I blurted out, laughing. 

Silence filled the air. "Um, are you sure?" 

"Yes, It will be hilarious. Just do it!" 


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