Day 1- Part One

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Squeezing my eyes tighter, I groaned as the sound kept going. Why is my stupid alarm clock even going off? It's the weekend, why would I set it? Yawning, I rolled over, putting a pillow over my head. Why did I think moving it across the room would be a good idea? Most times I was too lazy to even get out of bed. 

Ignoring the sound, I started dozing off again in hopes to sleep. Suddenly a loud knock on my door jolted me awake. 

"Time to get up, honey. It's your first day at Forks High School." A voice called out from behind my bedroom door. My eyes opened immediately, and I shot out of bed. Forks High School?  Like from Twilight? What the hell? 

Wait a minute... 

All of the sudden- the conversation from yesterday popped in my head.


"I have everything set up. All you need to do is sleep in this bed." Walking into the glassed room with a bed in the middle, I nodded my head. This was it! I was going to be thrown into the Twilight Universe tomorrow, and it was going to be hilarious! 

Sitting down on the bed, I pulled off my slippers. "Thank you for this opportunity," I said in honesty. Hopefully I'd be able to sleep okay... I'd have to ignored the fact that there were a million different wires and machines in this room.... not to mention the sounds. 

"Remember, once you're in the Universe, I will have no way to contact you. You will be on your own until you complete your task." 

I nodded my head. This was it. Now or never!


Holy shit! I was in the Twilight Universe. It actually worked. 

Jumping up out of bed, I couldn't help but dance a little stupid dance. I was in Twilight! Ha! Take that everyone else who wasn't here! Me? In Twilight? And I was here until I could complete my task... my stupid task. Well not stupid to me, but stupid to others? Yes. 

Confess to the Cullen's I know their secret... without getting killed. I was excited to get this started. 

"Are you awake in there?" The voice from behind my bedroom door called out once again. Turning towards the door, I quickly opened it. There on the other side of the door was a random woman who looked just like me. An older version of me. Like... a mother? My parent?  I didn't realize I would get my own parents too? Damn!

"Yes I'm awake," I responded back, a little too enthusiastically. 

I wonder what other surprises awaited me? 

"You better hurry, the bus is arriving any minute" The woman- most likely my mother- mentioned. Nodding my head, I turned my back on her, and walked towards what I assumed was my closet. Inside was full of old 2000's clothes. Exactly the type of clothes a high school kid would wear. Lots of jeans, plaid and dark fall colors. 

Grabbing the first thing I saw, I quickly put it on before leaving my room. Looks like I lived in a one-story house. Immediately to my left was a bathroom. It was your typical bathroom, standard size with a tub/shower, vanity and toilet. To my right was another bedroom... I'm assuming my parents? Following down the long hallway, I ended up in a decent sized kitchen which lead into a dinning room and living room. Open concept? Wow. Overall the house was pretty. 

Standing in the living room, with a laundry basket, my Twilight Universe Mom was folding clothes. "Breakfast is on the table, eat up quickly. Don't forget your book bag by the front door!" 

Doing as she said, I moved towards the dining room table. Sitting on a plate was some toast and eggs. Damn. I was stuck fending for myself in the real world. My TU Mom cooks breakfast? Maybe I should stay here instead. 

Quickly devouring some eggs with toast, I managed to finish it just in time before I heard a honk outside. 

"That'll be the bus!"

Groaning, I moved towards the front door. Grabbing all of my belongings, before opening the door. "Bye!" I yelled back, unsure of what else to say. It felt weird saying I love you. Like, I get she was my Mother here, but I didn't really know her? 

Running towards the bus, I briskly walked on it, and before I knew it, I was on my way to Forks High School. 

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