Day 1- Part Two

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"Welcome to Forks High School! If you need anything else dear, you know where to find me." Mrs. Cope brightly smiled, after handing me my schedule. I nodded back, slightly smiling in return. It was so strange seeing these characters in real life, opposed to reading their descriptions in a novel. I was going to have to get used to this fast, or else I would be classified as the weird kid. Staring at them weirdly? Who does that? 

Not like it would matter anyways... I wanted to have some fun while I was here, and that included trolling the Cullen's. Which also meant death. Who could experience death multiple times and live to tell about it? This was going to be hilarious! 

Leaving the front office, I made my way quickly through the halls of Forks High. As expected, most students were whispering around me. Talking about the new girl? Similar to how they treated Bella Swan when she first arrived... speaking of which. Would Bella be in this universe? Was this before Bella came or after? I guess I would find out. 

Staring down at my schedule, I quickly memorized where I needed to go. 

Period 1: Math || Building 5|| Mr. Varner ||
Period 2: Science || Building 2 || Mr. Banner ||
Period 3: Art || Building 4 || Mrs. Greene
Period 4: English || Building 3 || Mr. Mason ||
Period 5:  Gym || Building: Gym|| Coach Clapp
Period 6: History || Building 6 || Mrs. Sadger 

Some of these names I recognized from the novel, while others were completely new. How strange? Perhaps my existence in the universe changed things? Shrugging my shoulders, I quickly walked towards my first period class. 


"Welcome to Forks High School. Although you entered in the middle of the school year, we still have lots of extracurricular activities going on. During Lunch Period, we will be having Talent Show auditions in the auditorium. You're more than welcome to audition if you would like." Mr. Varner stated, as I stood at the front of his desk, handing him my new person slip. 

Talent Show? Well now I had to audition. It would be the perfect time to get this show on the road. I didn't want to relive the same day over and over going to school. How boring would that be? To do work over and over? Ew. 

"Thank you, Mr. Varner. I might just do that." I told him, before going to find a seat close to the back. Now what could I do at the Talent Show to get their attention? The books did mention vampires had super sensitive hearing and could hear for miles. If they weren't in the auditorium, but in the cafeteria, would they still hear me? Of course they would... I wonder how they would react? 

Murderous for sure. But wouldn't that cause suspicion? The new girl arrives and quickly goes missing? Surely they don't want to cause a scene. Though if I caused a scene first... they'd have no choice but to eliminate me? 

Not that it would matter, I would wake up tomorrow. I wonder how many times I could get them to kill me before actually completing my task? 


Soon the time started going by, and before I knew it, it was Lunch. Before heading to the auditorium, I quickly walked into the cafeteria. I realized I hadn't seem them yet. I wanted to make sure they were in fact here before I started to make a fool of myself. 

As per the books, the Cullen's were seated close together at a table, far away from the rest of the students. Rosalie sat beside Emmett, who sat beside Jasper, who sat beside Alice who sat beside Edward. It was so bizarre seeing them up close. They looked exactly as the book described. All perfect. All super model like. It was intoxicating to look at. 

They were chatting with each other quietly. I noticed food lay on their trays untouched, or messed up. I couldn't help but snort at that fact. "Untouched food, of course." I muttered under my breath, without realizing. How in the world do people not realize they aren't eating? Human food to them is disgusting, so I know they weren't eating it. Were the town of Folks that dumb? As if I caught their attention, all eyes turned towards me. 

5 Golden eyes burned into my soul. Their expressions were wild. I saw multiple emotions cross their faces. Curiosity or confusion, shock, surprise, anger. I quickly turned away from them, and started walking towards the auditorium. 

Shit. I didn't even realize what I had done. I was probably done for it. This wasn't the plan! It wasn't supposed to go down like this. My first day here and I'm already fucking it up. 

I moved as fast as my legs could go without causing attention to myself, and soon enough I was inside the auditorium. "The new girl is here to audition?" I heard whispers say around me. I ignored them, before quickly making my way to the audition line. Might as well do this as fast as I could before I was no longer able to. 

Tick tock. Tick tock. I listened to student after student auditioned, while I anxiously waited for my own turn. I wondered what type of reaction they would have to what I was about to pull off?

"Next!" A voice screamed. Soon I was being ushered onto the stage. Shit. Shit. Shit!

I quickly scanned the room. A decent turn out. At least half of the seats were filled with students. This will be interesting. 

"Ah, new to Forks and you're already auditioning for the Talent Show?" I heard one of the teachers say. Was he the one in charge of the show? Probably. "We're happy to have you here. The stage is yours." 

Gulping down a breath of fresh air, I grabbed a hold of the nearby microphone. Holding it in a death grip. "Hi, I'm the new kid... um obviously cause you just heard. Anyways. I am here to do some stand-up comedy." I quickly mustered out. It was then that I noticed Edward at the back of the auditorium. Soon, one by one, each of the Cullen's walked into the auditorium, and were staring me dead in the face. 

I tried my best to ignore them, I focused on the lights instead. "I'll start off easy... How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?" I asked. I didn't wait for a response, before I continued with the answer. "Only one, but the bulb has got to really want to change." 

That earned a few chuckles. I could do this. I could do this! Just to see the look on their faces... come on! 

"How many programmers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? None. That's a hardware problem." A few more students chuckled at that one. Hey, I wasn't doing too bad. Here I was entertaining the crowd while I had an angry mob of vampires at the back of the auditorium ready to kill me.

Just a normal day in life... "How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb?" Before I could respond, a student in the audience screamed out. "How many?" I chuckled, before answering. "How many can you afford?" 

The crowd laughed even more at that one. Time for my big finisher. 

"Okay, last one. How many vampires does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" Without hesitation, I looked towards the back of the room, and stared at the Cullen's. "I don't know, probably about... seven? Cause that's how many I'm guessing there are in Forks." 

Silence filled the auditorium. A few students chuckled, but not a lot. The faces on the Cullen's were absolutely priceless. Rosalie in particular looked like she wanted to rip my head off there and then. Someone coughed in the audience. The Cullen's looked at each other, before turning back to me. Before anyone could say or do anything, I nodded my head, before dropping the microphone, and walked off stage. 

Thank god for back door entrances, I managed to escape out the back door of the auditorium. I moved swiftly through the crowd and tried my best to blend in. 

Holy shit! I can't believe I actually did it! I can't believe I said that and looked them dead in the eye. This was fucking hilarious! And here I was, still standing! 

Fate was not on my side, the bell immediately rang after thinking that thought. I cursed under my breath. I had to go outside to Building 1 where the Gym was located... that involved going outside. Could I escape the Cullen's? Well I had to try. 

I ran as fast as I could to my locker. Punching in the code, I tried to open the door. It wouldn't unlatch. What the fuck? My heart was racing. Shit! I can't be wasting more time. I tried again, the same thing happened. Did they fuck with my lock or something? No way. I tried again, this time taking a deep breath before I tried opening it. The locker door opened without delay. Thank god! Grabbing my backpack with my gym clothes in it, I looked towards both ends of the hallway, before closing my locker, and making my way out the door towards Building 1. I could do this. I could do this!! 

Walking down the path, I noticed the last few students walking to class seem to appear farther out of my sight, and soon disappeared all together. I glanced around, noticing I was all alone. 

"Where are you going?" I heard a voice sneer at me. Fuck. I couldn't do this! I stopped dead in my tracks, as the 5 Cullen siblings were suddenly all huddled around me, trapping me from moving. 

"Um... class?" I responded back, casually. Although I was joking, my heart was racing on the inside. I'm sure they could hear it too. I was scared shitless, yet at the same time, this was thrilling. 

My path was blocked from all angles, so I couldn't escape. "I think you'd better come with us," One of them told me. I wasn't paying attention to who. I was too focused on having a staring contest with Rosalie, who was death glaring me, ready to chop my head off. 

"Yeah, I'd rather not. I better get to class. You guys probably should too. Don't want to be tardy and all..." I joked. I got no response from them. Turning my head, I looked at all of them before continuing. "Though, this is your... what? Like? 10 millionth time going to school? You're probably fine to miss a few classes or tw-" 

Before I had time to continue, I suddenly felt a sharp pain at my neck, and suddenly everything went black. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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