~Maybe I should visit Rengoku again...~

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"(Y/n), Yui!" The voice of the twin's uncle called out to the siblings as their eight-year old figures ran ahead of him. "Don't run too far away from me. You don't even know where you're going."

As the two twins laughed and played tag together on the streets, the adult simply smiled at the two, happy to see them able to smile with each other even after what had happened to their father and mother, who was actually his older sister. Koaru found himself having to look after the two when he was only nine-teen, but he didn't mind.

As the twins ran ahead, a black limo pulled up, and a  young, tall, navy blue hair man exited, after being let out by the driver. (Y/n), not noticing the figure, as she was running backwards away from her brother, accidently bumped into the male.

Upon seeing the figure, Cherry stopped, recognising him. As (y/n) looked up at the male, she got intimidated by him, as all he did was stare down at her.
"I'm sorry for my sister, sir!" Yuichiro apologised, helping his sister up. "We'll be going now -"

"Hold on." The seemingly wealthy man knelt down to the female's eye level, causing her eyes to swell slightly with tears as she started to dislike him. "I'm Ainosuke Shindo." He extended a hand to (y/n). "What's your name?"

The girl merely stared at him before hesitantly stating her own name. "(Y/n) T-Tokito -," As she was about to hold the young man's hand, her uncle swept in and picked up the twin and held her in his arm, taking the hand of the other sibling with his free hand.
"Sorry to disturb you." Koaru dipped his head slightly as the other man stood up.

"So we meet again." Ainosuke said, smiling at the pink-haired man.
"I hope you have been well."
Yuichiro looked up curiously whilst he held his uncle's hand.
"Uncle Koaru, do you know him?"
"Don't worry about that." The man then smiled down at the boy. "We were getting ice cream, weren't we?"

And from there, they parted ways with Ainosuke Shindo. (Y/n) was left horrified and intimidated by the man, whilst her brother felt different.


Do you know the saying 'Curiosity killed the cat'?


"A challenger!"
"So we'll actually see Adam skate?!"
"The legend is among us!!"

Your eyes hovered over your classmate as he challenged Adam.
"If I win, you have to apologise to Miya!"
"Don't sympathise with me!" The teen commanded, holding onto your hand tighter. "I'm alright. I just have to start over."
"I'm not trying to show you any sympathy." Reki stated, turning back to the man opposite him. "I just hate guys like him."

You lifted your sunglasses from your eyes ever so slightly to observe the expression of the villain's face. "Aren't you going to say something?!" Reki questioned him as all the Adam did was smirk. "Is that mask covering up your ears as well?"

"If emotions had forms, what shape would they be now?" The navy haired man asked aloud, beginning to walk around Langa. "I believe that they would be a spring. The spring will let out various amounts of water, depending on the occasion." He then jumped onto his board.
"Stop changing the subject!" The redhead commanded, but a fist came right up to his face.

"At this present moment, my spring is dry, and the reason for that is because I do not have even the slightest interest in you." Adam then skated back to the Canadian. "On the other hand, you're really talented." The man began to circle your classmate. "It flows out. It gushes out. So I have decided," The adult then came to an abrupt stop. "My prize for this bet shall be you."

Your heart dropped at that. You weren't able to say a word to go against that. You knew Adam was going to win, and you weren't ready for your friend to go through that kind of defeat. You've seen it before, through the big screen at 'S', when your past flamey haired senior had gone against him.

"Why did I start again?"~{Muichiro Fem!Reader x Sk8 Infinity}Where stories live. Discover now