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On the way back to my temporary home, I spoke to the very strange Italian by my side about myself. The conversation was..oddly pleasant, he was more open minded then I had originally anticipated. 

"So why did you laugh when signore zeppeli was talking about hammon?" He questioned tilting his head like a confused puppy. I gave a small chuckle while looking to the side in embarrassment, "well...Hammon is ham in spanish... so to hear them talk about it in all seriousness is pretty funny to me" I replied sheepishly. I hear giggle ring out from beside me "I see~ well putting it that way I can see why you reacted that way".

My smile slowly started to fade as I remember jojos face, "yes...well it was rude of me to do that regardless" I spoke in a serious tone as my face hardened. 'He must of been so embarrassed of me... I laughed at something no one understood' I thought as my hand gripped the handle of my box tightly causing my knuckles to turn a ghostly white. "Ahh? What's with the long face mi luna?" Antonio stopped me in my tracks by the arm looking down at me with a look of concern.

I snatched my arm from him and muttered out a small nothing before trying to return on my journey home, only to be blocked by a hard chest. "Ah ah~ something is wrong and I want to help bring that beautiful smile back onto your Angelica face~" he tease as he pulled me in a gentle hug, I struggled against the hug but he kept me in a firm hold for a few minutes before I just accepted my fate in his arms. I had a feeling he was smiling down at the top of my head as he pulled back from the hug gently, I sent a stern glare to him as our eyes locked. 

He only gave me a warm expression before dragging me to under a nearby tree; he took off his coat and put it on the ground, "sit down and relax for a moment" he gestured to the floor. I rolled my eyes and sat on his coat, he took a seat next to me and leaned against the trunk of the tree. We both sat in silence for a few moments causing me to be confused as I thought he was gonna question me repeatedly until I cave into his request, instead he laid against the tree with his eyes closed humming a song to himself. 

After a few more moments of silence I finally spoke, "Why aren't you asking me what's wrong?" I asked turning my head to look at the resting Italian. He hummed and opened on eye to look at me, "I know that's no way to treat someone who is obviously upset, especially un Bella regazza such as yourself" he answered before closing his eyes again "I thought  some quiet would help you feel comfortable enough to talk about it, it isn't healthy to keep it inside." I blinked in shock as I looked at the man next to me, all my life I've been met with men who always wanted me to open up..never respecting my want of privacy or quiet atmosphere to cool myself down. 

"You....what?" I asked him still in disbelief causing him to have a smile creeping up on his face. He finally opened both eyes and turned to me with a welcoming aura causing my face to flush with a burning pink hue, "I know the way I act is contradicting with my words but I truly wish to help you in whatever way helps you the most, if it's quiet you wish for it will be as if I was never there, if you want me to wait ill wait for years until my death, if you want me to forget the incident will never be brought up again...but I want you to understand mi luna that I am someone who wants your best interest at heart" he finishes off his speech by holding my hand gently giving it a small squeeze. 

My body was in shock hearing the curly haired man's words, they felt so comforting to me...it wasn't until I saw his face turn into worry did I realize something.

I was crying.

His hand shot up to wipe my tears with small words of comfort coming from him with each tear he wiped away. That made me cry even more...no one has put so much care into my wellbeing before. I pushed his hand to the side as I jumping face first into his chest and began sobbing into his chest heavily, I think it shocked him because he didn't hold me right away. After the initial shock I felt his arm hold me and gently comb through my hair, he comforted my sobs with soft spoken words and reassurance. We stayed like that for what felt like forever until I calmed down abit to finally speak, "I feel like jojo doesn't need me anymore..." I spoke with a raspy voice "when he looked at me earlier...he looked so bothered with my existence. I have always been there for him ever since erina left and his dog died, I've been so strong for him...and I feel like he doesn't want me around anymore" I expressed as my hands clamped around his shirt tightly.

He hummed and continued to comb throught my hair softly as I continued on, "I thought we were family...that we could be close but he seems to be so preoccupied with erina and speedwagon and now baron zeppeli. I'm debating if I should stay by his side at all..." I trail off as I wipe my eyes with my sleeve. He sat in silence for a moment before finally speaking up, "I see...well although I cannot read or control singore joestars mind I'm sure he does not resent you, he would have to be insane to do that to mi luna. From what I've heard about the man it seems he is just stressed about everything happening all at once just like you are." He spoke calmly as he tilted my chin so I can look up at his greenish blue eyes. 

"I'm sure the stress of the trauma you both went through is affecting you both differently. My advice is to take your own time to do what you need to to heal from this then return to signore joestar and see if he acts the same" he spoke with a surprisingly serious expression. All I can do in the moment is stare at the man in front of me who is holding my head by the chin, he truly is different from the men in my life...he is like my savior from God. 

He suddenly chuckles and leans close to my face as his breath fans my face, "dont tell me you want to kiss me now do you?~" he teased by ghosting his lips over mine. I snapped out of my dazed state as I pushed him back harshly as a burning hot red color spread across my face, "you ruined it!!" I yelled out as I got up and spun around hiding my face. As I got up all I can hear is roaring laughter coming from behind me and the grass moving around, I think he was rolling on the floor in laughter "that was so adorabile mi amore!" He bursted out along with his laughter.

I sighed as I turned to glare at the man on the grass, "just for that your gonna keep me entertained during this 'healing' " I stated before picking up my things and walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2024 ⏰

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