🦋 | Prologue | 🦋

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Scarlet let out a content sigh, rubbing her swollen belly. She walked into the livingroom with a smirk, staring at the large man that looked miserable. " Azure~! " Scarlet sang out, heading over to the blue-haired male, brushing her fingers along her red hair. She sat down beside him, Azure tensing up as she rested her hand on his thigh. " Aren't you so excited to be parents? " She asked tauntingly, causing Azure to look away. A few years ago, he didn't want to be a dad, and now that he mingled with the wrong woman-- he waa going to be a dad regardless! He grew annoyed before forcing a smile, " Of course, dear. This child is a blessing. " More like a curse, he thought bitterly, moving his gaze towards Scarlet's belly. He loathed the creature growing inside of her. It was what made him shackled to this damn witch.

He looked into Scarlet's sapphire-blue irises, taking note on her white pupils staring back at him. His pupils going white as well. " I want our perfect little angel to live a normal life, " She smiled sweetly. Azure grumbled slightly, looking away. " Normal? Please, she won't be a normal kid. " He murmured. Scarlet frowned slightly, narrowing her eyes." Azure, look at me. " She spoke, and instinctively, Azure looked his wife dead in the eyes. He grew uncomfortable at her intense stare, " We are going to give this child a normal life, and you will help me raise it. We are a perfect family after all. " She grabbed his hand, tightening her grip on him. Azure glared, ripping her gaze away from hers before standing up. " Whatever, I'm going out. " He murmured, heading over to the coat rack and putting on his dark blue jacket. He grabbed his keys and put on his boots, opening the door and opening it.

Scarlet watched him leave, not even flinching when he slammed the door shut. She turned her head slightly before looking down at her belly, rubbing it once more. " Yes.. " She murmured, almost as if the precious thing growing inside her could hear her. " You're going to be perfect.. " She stood up and walked down the hallway, opening a door to the left and walking into the fancy nursery. " I do hope this isn't too much for my little princess, " She smiled, brushing her fingertips along the white crib and moving her gaze up to the butterfly-themed mobile. She reached up and gave it a spin, humming slightly. " Mommy will take great care of you, " She smirked slightly, everything was finally falling into place. A handsome husband, and she was going to have a beautiful little girl. She turned her back to the crib, rubbing her belly as she started started to sing a lullaby. She walked over to the window, watching the neighborhood she lived in. It wouldn't be like the first time. She won't mess it up.

. . .

Scarlet felt numb as she heard the cries of a baby, tilting her head back as she looked around her hospital room. She closed her eyes, the voices she was hearing getting more muffled. She felt a hand on hers, giving it a squeeze. She turned her head and opened her eyes, staring up at Azure with a slight smile. Her ears rang as she took in the noise around her, her eyes widening slightly. She was missing something, what was it? She felt her mind go clear when she heard that crying again, steadily sitting up and looking at the doctor. The doctor held a purple baby-blanket, reaching out her hands as she trembled. Her baby. She was missing her baby. The doctor gave the little bundle to her, causing Scarlet to look at the baby in her arms.

She pulled the baby against her chest, staring down at the little girl. She had a daughter! She pulled the opening of the blanket back slightly, taking in the appearance of the baby's pale skin. Seems she had Azure's appearance. She cradled the baby in her arms, cooing at her little angel. Unlike Scarlet, Azure couldn't bare to look at the newborn. Another woman walked into the hospital room, tears swelling up in her eyes. She had short, dark red hair and blue eyes similar to Scarlet's. It was her mother. " I want to see my grandbaby! " Scarlet looked up, " Oh, mother, she's gorgeous. " she smiled before her little baby's crying rang out in her ears. She looked down, humming slightly. Maeve, Scarlet's mother, went over and rested her hand on Scarlet's shoulder, staring down at the baby. " Oh, she is gorgeous.. " She murmured, kissing her daughter on the head. " What's this little angel's name? " Maeve asked, causing Scarlet to think.

She glanced up at Azure before staring back at her baby. " ..Violet, " She murmured, looking at Maeve with a smile. " Her name will be Violet. " She reached her hand over and gently stroked Violet's chubby cheek with a slender finger. " Welcome to the world, Violet. " She smiled softly, her eyes darkening slightly. Violet opened her eyes, staring up at Scarlet with bright golden irises and white pupils. Scarlet felt her heart beat faster, she looked just like Azure. She watched as a doctor approached her, reaching out to take Violet, " The mother will need rest, so your baby will rest in the nursery. Congratulations on being parents. " They smiled at Scarlet and Azure. Scarlet stared as her baby was taken from her arms, glaring slightly. Maeve looked down at her, " Rest now, my dear daughter. You'll have your baby back soon. " Scarlet groaned slightly and leaned back, " Fine.. " she murmured.

Maeve looked up at Azure, " Yes, like the doctor said, congratulations, " she smiled at him. Azure glared slightly, looking to the side. " Yeah.. hurray for dadhood. " He mumbled bitterly. He left the hospital room, walking down the halls and towards the nursery. He stared at the babies through the window, his eyes narrowing at the little cradle labeled 'Violet'. He stared at the tiny baby inside, already feeling dread at the sight of her.

. . .

Scarlet sighed when she stepped into the house, Violet sleeping in her arms. " Azure, baby, your wife is exhausted, can you put our little angel in her crib? " She asked, holding her out to Azure. Azure froze, tensing up as he stared at the baby. He forced himself to stay calm, taking the creature in his arms. He carried Violet towards her room, staring down at the baby with guilt and anger. He shouldn't be mad at this baby, but he is. This baby was the reason his life was ruined. His eyes widened as Violet's eyes stared back at his, opening the door to her nursery and setting her down on the crib. No, how could I ever love this baby?

He forced himself to look away, spinning the mobile before quickly leaving the room. He didn't like how quiet she was. It made him uncomfortable. Scarlet walked past him and into the nursery, putting her hands on the bar of the crib. Her expression softened at her now sleeping baby, " Twinkle, twinkle little star.. " she sang out softly, " how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky~ " She looked at the mobile, watching it slowly spin. She leaned down and gave Violet a small kiss on the head before heading towards the door, looking back before flicking the lightswitch off. " Goodnight, my sweet little Violet.. " She murmured, shutting the door behind her.

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