Ch-9 Haunted Night

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Aadhya's POV

There were noises of some sirens coming from my surroundings, I tried to open my eyes, as those red-blue lights altered my sleep.

My breath hitched as a sharp pain ran through my chest when I tried to move.

My vision blurred when I saw a rebar piercing my delicate chest with a pool of blood.

I saw myself lying on the roof of our car.

I painstakingly looked for Maa and Papa, and saw them unconscious.

Papa on driver seat, his head resting on stearing wheel covered with blood. Body hanging in air as he was tied with seat belt, that refrained him from leaving his seat.

Tears started flowing my eyes as in saw his vulnerable state.

Maa whereas lied too on the roof of car, her head, face and hands covered with dark red thick liquid.

Glass pieces pierced her exposing body. Her beautiful pink saree which was twinned with my cute pink frock, was dampened with that same red crimson thick liquid.

Metallic smell pierced my nose, which some how seemed blood.

That bloody blood of my family.

More tears freely flowed, seeing both my parents lying unconscious and Maa's beautiful face stricken with those minute glass pieces.

I noticed our car has been flipped due to that drift which occured before me going unconscious.

I felt even more vulnerable when even a meek voice didn't left my mouth to summon my parents, no matter how hard I tried. Instead that pain in my chest grew even more that I couldn't take proper breath.

With each passing second the pain was intensifying.

My body was stiffed due to pain, that too because of two things.

-Pain given by those rebars that poked a hole in my chest.

-Pain of watching my parents walking slowly to the heavens.

But the pain of my body was being supressed by the pain of my parents going away from me.

The pain of their department from me.

"Maa....." I whispered before again darkness consumed me into its embrace.

I felt something on my forehead, more like someone's touch, and my eyes got abruptly open.

I was painting heavily, my heart beat grabbed its highest pace and my body drenched.

Although the room was cold, but my body felt heated, may be due to my nightmare which has deeply affected.

The cool breeze caressed my tear stricken face and forehead beaded with sweat and I shivered in it.

My hands were trembling badly.

And I heard someone calling my name continuously. It was a masculine voice, but in a softest tone.

"Aadhya!! Are you alright! Do you need water.?!" he asked me continuously.

But my gaze fixed at the ceiling above me, never leaving to look who the person was.

He lifted my head and placed a glass of water on my lips.

But I jerked his hand away.

I don't really know why the hell I did this, my subconscious was really active at this time.

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