Ch-14|Eyes On Her

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Vihaan's POV

We were dancing on the stage for di and jiju about their lovestory.

But I took it with proper care to not put pressure or hurt her left wrist while dancing .

I don't know, what's wrong with her wrist that she quivered in pain on the day since we started to learn the choreography.

But that was just one day of her pain, since then she didn't flinched, but my suspicion didn't ended back then.

Flashback starts~

She hissed in pain because she put pressure on her left wrist and, and to not show anyone about her pain, she quickly put on a facade smile in her face.

After sometime she forgot the pain and again hissed, that time I knew something was really off.

We all cousins from bhaiya and bhabi's family were present in the studio, and due to non-stop practice we were sitting on the floor and just as bhabi's sweet caring mom entered with some beverages, she tried to get up.

In an attempt to get up with support of her damn left hand, she hissed in pain and fall on ground as she was half standing.

She clutched her eyes shut for mere seconds that made my heart ache to see her in pain.

I caught her in no time and made her sit comfortably, then looked at her hand.

But she drew her hand back said it's nothing.

Me, Aunty and Sunidha hurriedly asked her about her hand and if she is really ok or not but intead of replying, she started laughing, we three exchanged questioning gazes until she said,

"It was a prank guys! And I'm really fine."

Aunty and Sunidha scoffed but I didn't, instead it added to my suspicion more, as she don't put on these lame jokes.

Flashback ends.

We all cousins and elders got on stage  dancing like a maniac for di and jiju's function.

Joining in their happiness.

And as the sangeet was just about to end.

An uncle with faltering foot steps, soaked in alcohol, walking unconsciously being overly drunk, losted his balance and colloided with Aadhya.

In the hustle-bustle, she fell on the floor on her front.

As she placed her left hand in ground, a loud groan left her mouth in intense pain.

One more scream left from her as the same uncle losted his balance and stepped on the same hand.

Fury raged onto every ounce of my blood watching her shaking in pain.

I couldn't stop myself and strode towards her to get her out of here.

[A/n : Before you ask lemme clarify, Vihaan was at far place from her, and due to loud music, nobody else was able to hear her scream.

And also as she is his love and priority in first of all, so you can consider it as his only source that he can hear in those loud speakers right😉]

Her hands were trembling and eyes were shut in fear of getting hurt more.

I scooped her in my arms, carrying her in bridal style, then took her out of that bustling area without anyone getting noticed and straight went to her and Di's room.

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