Today's holographic article was about the abundance of missing children. It's strange, Dovilia isn't the kind of place for cases like this to happen.
After all, laws here are strict and punishment for their crime can either result in decapitation or prison intake.
Was the headline title, I looked through every long paragraph about this case.
"Report filed on 15.4.2015"
That was yesterday. There's no way a dozen kids would've been kidnapped at once. This is crazy talk.
Kinda think of it, yesterday I was just at Phynix. If this many people's sons and daughters are going missing I would've seen at least one of it happening. Not that I do, it's just to prove my point.
Dovilias technology is highly advanced, There's tons of CCTV to be found at any block, street and even in populated areas.
All this thinking and worrying is making me dizzy, I just stopped continuing to read the article. My phone was running out of batteries anyway so I just closed my phone until one quick notification was rung before I could even put it away.
It's a message from an unknown ID, and I seem to have been added to a group chat with Yun and Chase.
"17.4.2015, 00:00 AM"
Hope to see you soon, especially you.Weirdo.
Then another message pops up from a different ID.Hii user 41! This is an automatic message to tell you that we will need you to attend to Astral Star-X09 gathering for a quick rundown of what you need to do.
Sincerely, ARNIA (=^ ◡ ^=) //
At least this one isn't strange; well, I best head there. Arnia didn't give a specific time on when I should be there, I just hope I'm not late
----------- ● ----------
Phynix-X09 headquarters: Astral's spaceship program
------BEEP! Verification is needed to enter, please state your upho number or address your full name before entering.
One of those bunny drones stopped me before I could even enter the ship. I search for my pass and- shoot. I forgot to bring it. No matter I'll just say my name.
BEEP! Incorrect username. Please try again. You have 2 attempts left.
What the hell? Do I have to spell it out? "C-o-l-l-i-e" again that annoying beep.
BEEP! Incorrect username. Please try-
"Curse you"
BEEP! Incorrect username. You have used all your attempts. Sending reports of infiltration to executive ARNIA. Please stay here until she is present.
Double curse you.
"Don't worry Li, I'll handle this." A short pink-haired girl showed up, she seemed quite young, younger than me even.
Faraway Star: phynix-X09 headquarter department
FantasiaIm sorry for leaving is such an absquatulate way, there was just not enough time to reverse fates plans. but it's sad really how soon, you too will fall into the state of corruption. "This stupid headquarter has been noting but throwing knives at u...