Primos' Wish

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Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn.

Warning(s): Wrong Grammar, Misspelled Words, Epic Fail in everything, OOC and others that you can find.


Chapter 1

Primo's Wish


A man in his mid-twenties stood at the middle of a vast clearing.

Trees, flowers and plants surrounded him, dancing along the silent tune produced by the gentle breeze coming from the north.

His soft, spiky blond hair, swayed along the soft breeze, as he stand there, alone, no one and nothing to disturb him.


It is the only thing he has in his mind, as he enjoys such rare moments like this. Slowly, a fond smile made its way upon his angelic face and his light orange eyes flickered happily at the scenery before him.

The man never moved from his spot, looking at everything with pure joy and contentment, taking his time to enjoy such chance while admiring everything that he sees. He has to take advantage it for all he can, for this might be the last time that he is to experience this.


For he is a man of power, authority, a man of authority and a man who holds the life of many. He is a man who can make something appear or disappear in the world with a single order.

With such power, he always has to face things that can either lead to his or other's downfall. With everything he has, the peace that he gives to others is the one that vanished in his entire life.

He continued to smile as he forgets everything but the contentment that he is feeling at the moment---

"Primo! Primo! Gio!"

--- But he knows that it will never last long.

The person referred to as 'Gio' opened his eyes that he did not remembered closing. From there, he was met by a pair of concerned darkish pink eyes of his right hand man and his best friend, G.

"What is it, G.?"

"Don't 'What is it, G.?' me!" His best friend snapped. "WHY ARE YOU HERE BY YOURSELF?! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN ATTACKED BY AN ENEMY!"

"I-I know----"


The man froze in his spot as his bestfriend's words echoed in his mind. 'The Vongola Primo. The founder of the infamous Vongola Famiglia. The Sky and the Boss.'

He is the man who made the Vigilante Group, Vongola, which became a Mafia Famiglia known to protect the poor, marginalized and the oppressed. He is the man who, together with his friends/ guardians, decided to protect and restore justice with everyone.

He is the Vongola Primo, Giotto Taru.

Giotto smiled bitterly as he cut off his best friend, who up until now is still rambling about him being in danger. "Mi dispiace, G. I just wanted some time in peace, alone."

"Is it about a girl? Are you in love?" G. asked which made Giotto choke on his own breath. "Just joking.. Tell me what is bothering you."

The blond looked at G., mouthing, "There is nothing bothering me G."

"We are friends since childhood, so don't try and hide something from me, Gio."

"What will happened to the Vongola in the future, when we are no longer living?" Giotto asked. His head hung low and his eyes shadowed, meant that he is dead serious at his question.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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