A Star Has Dimmed

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"I have done no less for my country. I am almost there! I have cracked the atoms, the equations and the things I will not write here as the reader won't get it! I just need some more time..."

"We don't need a physicist,sir. Science is not for betterment anymore. It's for destruction. I am afraid, we can no longer fund your... rather lavish style of living."


The words from this captain's mouth angered me. I could not believe it. They are throwing me to the pigs with such a lame excuse? I took off my 2000$ boots and prepared to throw my 100$ socks at his face out of rage.

He showed me the keys to my 400,000$ jeep and motioned me to relax.

"Chill, sir, chill. Your pension will still be high and you will be getting a goat farm free with your retirement home."

I felt betrayed, but I had no other choice. I followed the captain who was holding my car keys. He held the door open for me. But, to my surprise, he began to drive. I was too full of thought to really care about anything at all. I looked outside. Posters of me filled the roads. Billboards with my picture on them. My fans hang them up. The people love me. For my scientific breakthroughs. They think of me as their heroine. And I have been thriving for their love (and money). But now, just as I was about to finish my duties to them, this happened. A huge billboard caught my eye. It was playing a video of the dictator, dressing me with a rossette. Suddenly it went off. The radio in my car began reading about the world politics. After a few lines about Wars between Newmenia and Gengetri, it began about me. 

"We have just got news that the Heroine of Gengetri, Major Nova herself has leaked the information related to Antimatter Bombs to Newmenia. She is now fleeing towards the Indian ocean in her jeep."

I was too stunned to comprehend what was really going on. My driver hit the breaks in front of a signal and I could see the raging public tear off my posters next to it revealing other posters beneath. I was betrayed. For real this time. The captain smiled faintly and mockingly said, 

"Sir, it seems that I must hand you over to the government..."

"You betrayed me..."

"And you fell for it."

I only saw darkness for the next few minutes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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