Chapter 1: I'm Taylor

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Ok just so everyone knows this is fiction I am not basing it off Taylor and Travis's real lives so I know these aren't the schools they went to or where they grew up and all that also some information is also made up in regards to characters and places please know that at least 😁 before you fact check me.....well.....enjoy I guess

January 2007

How does one even start a story like this? Sigh

Hi this is Taylor. What is this, a Youtube tutorial?

Hi. I'm Taylor. Fuuuuccck

Taylor Swift in the hou-


Our story begins in Nashville, Tennessee on a little farm where I grew up so imagine a little blonde girl with curly waves running around chasing her annoying little brother everywhere. Two loving parents with a bit of a sad ending to their own story

Mom was only 19 when she had me and dad was 21. Dad worked as a farm hand and eventually to his surprise inherited over 400 acres of land from the old man he worked for, he would later find out through the old man's lawyer that he had no children and lost his wife to cancer before they could start a family

Damn. Imagine loving someone that much? Kinda like a bald eagle.....mate for life. The same couldn't be said for my parents. I'd been bitter about the divorce for a while, many days spent riding off with my young gelding till my ears rang from the force of the wind and my legs were numb from gripping, I'd end up at the same little stream where the sound of my sobs could be smothered by the sound of the water running over the rocks. Poor me right?

That's of course until Joey would nudge my shoulder and rub his forehead against my arm till the force made me lose my balance and I'd jump up with a giggle and scratch behind his ears.

Yes I named my horse after a character from Friends......he reminded me of Joey. He loved eating and he was always there to comfort me.

But.....the bitter feeling over the divorce turned into mild acceptance especially when I saw how well my parents got along afterwards. They were suddenly making each other laugh.....teasing each other. They had agreed to co-parent and it worked for a while. We were happy

So why do I find myself once again sitting at this little stream crying my throat sore while Joey was grazing a few feet away? Well as perfect as this little oasis was it was dad had found himself a girlfriend and it was sickening to say the least.

Worst of all. Mom found a teaching job.....why is that bad? The job is in Philadelphia.....why? Why? WHY? What the actual fuck is my life? My mom had given Austin and I the choice of staying or going with her but the defeated look on her face when Austin had jumped up and said he was staying had ruined me. This was my dad's fault and his stupid new whore.....he couldn't wait till we graduated for this?

My mom made the whole situation somewhat bearable, she had been my best friend since I was a little kid running home and crying cause my friends were being mean. Seeing the hurt in her eyes when my dad moved on while she still focused on keeping the house in order made me want to murder him and.....Laura.....her name was enough to make me want to puke. The name was ruined forever. Trying to act all nice and motherly when she only brought chaos to our family life. Hate was a strong word but it came to mind real fast when I saw her, or heard her name.....ugh!

I jumped up and threw the rock I'd been playing with as hard as I could in the flowing water, it barely made a ripple and that set me off even more as I started stomping around like a toddler throwing a tantrum and eventually kicked a piece of wood, the crack startled Joey enough that he jumped and took off running

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