Chapter 5: have some fun

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"You told me it was said you would keep an eye on things"

"I'm trying here....I have shit to do I can't babysit Kelce all fucking day and night"

"We had a deal"

"And the deal is still on....just tell me what to do"

I groaned and threw a pompom at him which he caught with a slight flick of his wrist. Just yesterday I was convinced everything was fine but then a video of Travis and that little country girl tramp rolling around in her backyard was sent to me

"Calm down and lower your voice....this isn't the best place to have a meltdown"

He was right, we were hiding in the corner of the gymnasium while the floor screetched just a few feet away as sneakers ran across it followed by the hallow sound of a bouncing basketball. I was racking my brain for ideas when a thought suddenly crossed my mind

" have your phone on you?"

"It's in my gym locker....why?"

"So when you're in the locker room surrounded by a bunch of sweaty teen boys and you're all rowdy and boisterous you get the guys to work him up enough to confess on tape he doesn't really give a shit about the girl...."

"Like Kelce cares about reputation"

"He will if you start claiming he's whipped.....he will freak out and say anything to convince you otherwise.....not because he's embarrassed about it but because he wouldn't want to admit he ever will be"

"And if this is all just for nothing.....I truly think it's not as deep as you think Rach"

"You saw the video.......she will fall for him if she hasn't straight woman can resist falling in love with him.....if he starts feeling something for her too we need to convince her he's nothing more than what she sees on the surface....a jock....who cares too much about his image"

"So the video is like precaution?"


"Okay fine....but if you have the video does that mean my job is done?"

"For the meantime yes.....if I need you again you'll know"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Do I need to remind you why you're here in the first place"

"You never let shit go do you?"

"Not until I get what I want....daddy's a lawyer..... it's kinda in my blood"

He rolled his eyes and stalked past me to join the others playing around in the gym


Ben walked into the crowded locker room laughing at the chaos erupting all around him. He spotted Travis almost instantly on one of the benches shaking his hips to the tune playing from a speaker in the corner of the room.


He nudged one of the guys closest to him

"You hear about Travis and the new girl? I think our man might be down bad..."

"No way really? HEY KELCE....."

The room went quiet except for the music still blaring in the background which was turned down a bit by one of the guys standing closest to the speaker


Travis let out a laugh and threw the towel hanging loosely over his shoulder at the guy.

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