Chapter 3: Travis Kelce

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"Class let's give a warm welcome to our new student all the way from Nashville.....Taylor? You want to come up and introduce yourself?"



Well there goes my plan to be less than a passing fart at what was it?.....Lincoln High School.....fuck knows but school spirit definitely wasn't an issue here, walking into the place the first experience I had was a bunch of jocks passing by and screaming "GO LYNX!!!" at the top of their lungs with spit flying everywhere mind you.....

".....Miss Swift?"

I cringed when I looked up and realized the whole class was staring straight at me like I was an alien who just landed on this very spot.....wish I was cause FUCKING ABORT. I stood up slowly and rubbed my clammy hands on my jeans while trying to swallow the dry lump in my throat as I approached the teacher. Mrs. Cooper.....or public enemy number 1 from this point on

"Now we need to remember to be very kind and can be very intimidating to walk into a new school.......well Taylor how about you tell us all something about yourself?"

No thank you

I sighed making one last attempt at swallowing this damn golf ball blocking my airways

"I'm uh.....Taylor..... I'm from Nashville and now I live here"

I heard some chuckles from the back of the classroom as I stated the already obvious

"Anything else?"

I shook my head and begged her to drop it and leave me alone. She seemed to get the hint and took a step forward gently nudging me back towards the class

"Well thank you Taylor and welcome to Lincoln High....."

I might have broken some speed record on my way back to my seat. I could still feel eyes on me from all around, I felt exposed, vulnerable. I didn't dwell much longer as the classroom door swung open moments later to reveal the most stereotypical example of a high school jock I'd ever seen, it was like he was sculpted from a cheesy teen Disney movie


He ignored the teacher and made his way to his seat which just so happened to be the vacant spot right next to me.....oh joy.....

He dropped his bag with a loud thump and sat down casually leaning back like this was his living room couch and he was getting ready to unwind

"You are about 10 minutes late for class Mr. Kelce"


Unlike my previous feelings of overexposure and wanting to sink into the floor boards he seemed to enjoy the attention of every person in that room, drawing out every word he said with his head held high

"......I had shit to do"


"And that has earned you 4 hours of detention instead of 2......"

He shrugged like it was just a minor inconvenience to him. I could see Mrs. Cooper turn a bright shade of red like she was using every fibre of her being to remain calm in front of a classroom full of smirking teenagers and I had to say I felt bad for her.



Definitely someone to be avoided. Jock, douche, and from the looks of it a ladies man as he found time to wink at every girl around him throughout duration of the class and every one of then swooned.....I mean I couldn't blame them.....he was pretty hot.....but so far out of my league

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