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The roaring thunders echoed along the silent hallways of the castle, adding more earie vibes while the rain continued to pour.

The storm outside started a few hours earlier, but till today, it didn't stop, like it has no intention of calming itself.

"Your Majesty, please pardon my insolence but your pressence is a must." The Empress' personal assistant and knight, hemlock, respectfully said while bowing down infront of her.

The emotionless empress who's seating on her throne sighed while glancing at the big wall clock hanged in the left upper part of the throne room.

"What is it again, this time?" She asked while looking down at him. The man sigh before stating the problems.

"The northern boarder was attacked by a foreign bandits, they continued to fight our warriors that was stationed there but they said they were already outnumbered."

She sighed then took a glance at the wall clock again before talking.

"Every boarder has 150 warriors stationed to guard them. They were trained to be an elite warrior, what are they doing? Useless, send the second order of elite knights as their reinforcement."

"I understand, your majesty" hemlock bowed silently as a respect before leaving the throne room.

''Those darn thickheads were trained well enough and they were outnumbered? Are they being attacked by thousands of bandits? Tch"

She stood up and went to her chambers to change her outfits, she really hates ball gowns and revealing dresses.

She prefer to wear simple yet elegant dress and combat suit, whether in a formal meeting or not.

The maids who changed her clothes left her chambers silently. She went into the battlefield just a while ago that's why she's wearing her battle suit earlier.

As the Empress Regeant and the only remaining Monarch of her Empire, she do all the task of an Emperror and such.

No one dare tries to betray her for they are just starting to state their plans, their head will roll off their neck with blood oozing out of it in instant.

Other kingdoms are famous for being betrayed by their people, councils, members of monarchs and such.

But in her empire, there's no such thing as betrayal. Betray her and you're good as dead.

She was loved, honored, and respected by her people, but their fear is greater than that feelings, overpowering it.

Who wouldn't? She is the Fallen Goddess of Void who lived for a thousands of years since the creation of the four continent.

A knock suddenly pulled her reverie out. Signaling that someone to come in, a familiar face popped out.

"Your Majesty, i made your favorite tea to alleviate you even a bit." It was Rafflesia, her personal maid.

"Put it down here" she said while looking at the black sky with no stars because of the heavy rain.

Rafflesia put down the tea cup in the small table beside her then sat down in the opposite direction of her majesty.

Rafflesia is her personal maid eversince her reign from her throne. She was only a hundred years young from her majesty but the bond they created is something Marella treasured dearly.

Unlike Hemlock, Rafflesia witnessed her highness grow as the time passes by, he was three hundred years younger than them though.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" Rafflesia asked. Marella looked in her spot before averting her gaze.

"Yes, why wouldn't i be?" Rafflesia also looked outside. Sighing before smiling a bit.

"As expected from you, Marella. Nothing changed a bit, i hope you find someone who can soften your heart." She smirked while looking at her dear servant.

Aside from being her personal maid, raff is also her best of friend alongside with lock, the three of them are inseperable specially in some cases.

"Tch, don't talk some nonsense, Raffy. I was born like this way, no one can shatter my walls." Raffy laughed at her then shookt her head.

"That's why i am praying for miracle, Marella. Everything is possible, you know?" They laugh together, not minding the time that passes by.

Only Rafflesia and Hemlock knows her side of these. Marella has been stern, cold, and fierce infront of her people, not minding them if they are scared.

Although that was just her fecade, because she was blessed with a pure and big heart who always cared for her people, her empire.

In their continent, there are only one empire and two kingdoms. Their continent is know to be the peaceful and harmonious continent among the others.

Their continent were ruled by the three great rulers, the difference is that she's the only royal who rules her empire for a thousands of years now.

Meaning, she's the first to reign. While the other kingdoms now have a hundred of former kings and queens.

Their life is peaceful because they belief that chaos are not welcome in their territory, a peace treaty was also existing to keep them on track.

"You're not in yourself again, Marella." She was pulled out of her reverie when rafflesia flicked her finger infront of her.

"What is it again?" Raffy sighed before talking.

"As i said, one of the kings in the west continent sent you an invitation for his sons' 28th birthday, the crown prince."

"When was that?" She asked her friend.

"A week from now." Reminiscing her schedule for that say, she don't have any so why not attend it, right?

Its been ages since she went to a birthday party from the other continents other than the two kingdom under theirs.

"I'll go, i don't have any important schedules by that." Rafflesia's eyes widened.

"Really?!" She claimed. "Its a miracle halleluia! You rarely go to birthday banquets, specially that continent is a bit far."

She shrugged her shoulder before finishing her tea then climbed down from her rooms' window.

She tapped raffy's shoulder then whispered.

"You must have forgotten my dear friend, im a goddess itself, i can teleport ourselves for just a minute." Then she walked towards the door to go to her office.

Rafflesia sighed then nodded.

'Yeah, that thought slipped out on my mind.'

To be continued...

Note: Hi there my dear hyxnies! Every chapter will only contain almost 1000 words for i am not a fan of writing long words in one chapter. Expect from the next chapters that it will be mixed with tagalog words from now on, ang hirap mag english ng mag english, you know hshs. There is still no permanent date for every update, thank you!

 There is still no permanent date for every update, thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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