Chapter 5

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Dominic pov

Mom garçon I think I'm gonna faint no one ever gave me a nickname. I know my face is a deep red but at the same I wanna know what it means.

Nico walked towards me " where are you going mon garçon " he took the keys from my hand. " to in and out I'm hungry and there's nothing good here " he nodded and started walking away.

" come on let's go " I'm confused but started following him out the door. He opened my side of the door for me and closed it once I'm settled.

The car ride was silent except for the radio till Nico broke the silence " I'm so sorry for my little brother's behavior " he looked at me then the road again. " it's cool I was also behaving like a bitch "

" you looked cute while being mad " he mumbled under his breath thinking I didn't hear. Looking out the window trying to hide my maroon face from him.

The car came to a stop and I looked around to see we have arrived I reached to open the car door. " what do you think you're doing " " uhh, opening the door " i think that's pretty obvious.

" no you're not " he got out and walked to my side and opened the door for me again holding out his hand for me to take. I gladly took it and turned to shut the door but he already did.

Nico squeezed my hand to get my attention and started to walk are hand still intertwined. He ordered and payed for the food the car ride home was silent with are hands intertwined.

We arrived home and he opened the door for me I'm not used to the little things so I was a blushing mess. Nico got the front door open and let me go in first.

The food was on the counter and we sat on the bar stools and dug into are food. It was fucking delicious I really needed this sinking into the couch and somewhere from there on I fell asleep.

I nuzzled my head farther into the pillow when the sun came through the window. I groaned and reached for the alarm and turned it off then going back to sleep.

My eyes slowly opened adjusting to the sunlight I rolled over and checked the time 2:45pm. I sat in bed thinking about how the hell I was here in my room when I fell asleep on the couch and what happened in the early morning.

A blush crept up on my cheeks thinking about it and replaying it in my mind. I got out of bed and got ready and went downstairs after I was done. I haven't seen neither of the McIntyre brothers.

The house was oddly quiet I ordered in food and laid on the couch. Joshua probably went out with the guys that twenty years older then him. The door bell rang and I got my money in hand and got the door.

I went to hand him the money but he stopped me " it's already paid for " i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and he left in his car. How what that's not possible nobody knows that I ordered food but me.

I shrugged my shoulder and went to searched for a show to watch and eat. Then I went to the backyard and walked through the garden.

I grew bored and went in the house going to the game room my father and Nico built for me. I grab the remote and turned on the television and turned on the PlayStation 5 got in my gaming chair.

I must have been in there to long before someone busted through the door. I jumped up and held my hand to my heart " God you scared the shit out of me. What the fuck "

" we have been calling you for an hour dinners ready " josh yelled at me and I glanced at my phone seeing many missed calls from everyone in this house.

We got downstairs through the living in the kitchen and sat down. I grab my dinner and sat at the bar stool from yesterday. I went in my phone when I felt a presence next to me and looked to my side Travis.

The universe really hates me.

Nico's pov

Dominic fell asleep on the couch after I was sure he was deep asleep I picked him up and brought him up to his bedroom and laid him so delicately on the bed.

I covered him with his blanket and kissed his cheek I stopped realizing what I just did. Well nobody saw it moved his hair that was in his face and admired his features.

My idiot little brother didn't deserve him. Dominic's to perfect and to trustworthy for Travis. Travis will break his delicate heart a million pieces. I have to find something on this little piece of shit that I call my little brother.

It's not that hard I'm Nico Armano McIntyre I have so many connections in the world. I texted Richard that there was a emergency in my company. I got in my car and started driving to the destination.

About 3pm I got a text notification from my bodyguard that I sent to watch Dominic for me since no one is home that he ordered food from Chick-fil-A. I paid for his order online.

I go downstairs and grab my phone dialing my assistant number. She picked up the phone " bring in the hacker " and hung up she used to my shit.

I arrive at the abandoned house and moved the old shelf and put in the code and my finger print and it opened.

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