Chapter 9

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Dominic pov

The sun was shining into the room when I woke up and I tried to get up but was pulled back down. When the memories from yesterday came flooding back in my mind.

I have always wanted to touch his hair so I took my opportunity and touched it, it's so soft and I got lost in admiring his features.

I slipped out of his arms and went in the bathroom taking a shower and doing the rest of my morning routine. I walked out with my towel around my waist and going to the closet.

I make my way back to the bathroom blow dry my hair and styling it. I wear my earrings and walk out going in my bedroom to see Nico just waking up he got up making his way towards me.

" where are you going baby boy " his voice raspy I almost folded right there he raised his eyebrow. " out with Josh, Tyler and Daisy. " he said nothing and reached into his back pocket taking out a credit card.

My eyes widened and I shook my head " here spend it on whatever you want. " he takes my hand and places the card before hovering his lips over mine.

" can I kiss you. " I look him in the eyes then back to his lips. " yes " it comes out softer then I expected. His hands delicately touch the side of my face before gently placing his lips on mine.

The kiss was gently and soft then it turned hard his hand went from my face to hair he nibbled on my lower lip a little when his other hand was on my waist pulling me closer my hands went to his chest around his neck before I pull away for air.

There was a knock on my door and I went to the door and opened it slightly it was Josh.

" you coming we're leaving now " I nodded my face flushed " why is your face flustered " he asked before the realization came to him and went downstairs.

I closed the door and went to Nico and said goodbye softly placing a kiss on his lips and going downstairs. The kiss still lingered on my lips I touched it while walking to Josh's car.

He parked in the vip section before both turned to me at the same time. " happened in your room with Nico. "

I explained what happened " YOU KISSED " both whispered yelled I nodded. " and he gave YOU his credit card. " We got out the car after gossiping walking towards the mall.

We went from store to store and later were walking around when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and there was a man in a black suit.

And he introduced himself as " Justin " and that he knows Nico. I moved away with Joshua letting Tyler watch over the man while I went and called Nico.

We didn't move to far we can still see them from over here. It turns out he's my butler for the day apparently Nico doesn't want me to carry my things around and I need an extra hand.

I don't mind it and I'm grateful that he did this we had fun the whole day. I put my stuff in my room and got ready for bed and went over to Josh's room.

We're having a sleepover it got to the time of 2AM when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and they urged me to pick up.

I pick up and put it on loud speaker " where are you " he sounds pretty concerned but I laughed it off. " oh you think it's funny " I stopped immediately.

" no, no I'm fine. I'm at a sleepover " I quickly replied. " whose house " I hear scrambling around probably to get his laptop. I giggled " I'm not at anyone's house "

" then where are you Mon garçon " he really is clueless but I don't blame him. " here in the same house as you come find me baby " I bite my lip before hanging up.

" holy shit I just did that " I was shocked I could do this. " you have to hide me " because go knows what he'll do to me when he finds me.

" my little baby brother is growing up " my brother hugged me but quickly pulled away and bringing me over to a little secret room.

Nico pov

He just hung up on me after he said his somewhere in this house and to come find him. I begin my search first in his brother's room.

I arrive and knock first before opening the door there on the floor sat Josh and Ty talking. When they looked up at me " is there something wrong. " one of them said.

" I'm looking for Dominic have you seen him " Ty shook his head no and turned my attention to Josh who also shook his head.

" can I check your room " I ask. He nodded giving me consent I go in when I got a text from Dominic I have one hour starting now.

I searched from top to bottom and nothing I went out and searched somewhere else and downstairs. A timer went off from somewhere you came hear it every faintly.

I follow the sound upstairs it's getting louder and louder till I come across Josh's room. I open it and see him and Ty on the bed casually talking.

I ignored them and kept searching and stopped and a wall. I put my hand in it and knocked and a little further then again at the same spot.

Fake wall. I gotta give him credit for it and bend down to find the button or key to open it. I manage to find the button on the side it was blinding in pretty good with the wall.

There was Dominic asleep wrapped up in a blanket looking cozy. I grabbed his phone and turned off the timer.

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