Chapter Two

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6 weeks later

The light from the bathroom woke me, I checked the clock to see it was still the middle of the night. I sighed as I grabbed my robe from the chair and walked to the balcony. I loved watching the city life from here; there's never a quiet time. My condo became my safe haven; anytime I needed to think or collect myself, I came here.
Max used to stay in the guest room or on the couch.  Since he found me crying on the shower floor, for the second time, things have been different between us. I don't trust different anymore; did that once, and it made me look fucking stupid.
Fuck; Daddy is rolling in his grave with everything that's happened. His number one rule was don't fuck so close to home, that's why he picked Lorenzo for me to marry; if he only fucking knew. I felt the tears coming as I shook my head, no, I wasn't crying any more tears over this.

I jumped a little, not hearing Max open the bathroom door
"Hm?" I turned and smiled at him as he walked across the room naked, those pale green eyes almost stalking me.
"Did I wake you?" His voice so deep and gravelly,
"No; just woke up" I shrugged
He slid his hands around my waist as his other hand pushed the shoulder of my robe down, kissing up the crook of my neck, "Aren't you worried he's going to find out?"
"Fuck him" I moaned
"I could lose my job" his hand slid to the ties on my robe, letting my robe open
"You know I wouldn't let that happen" I slid my hand up his bicep
"It's hard for a felon to get a good job these days" his thumb teasing my nipple, making me moan
"I told you I would protect you ... plus I could always put you on stage" I smiled
He stopped and looked at me smiling, "You've fattened me up too much; I have no more moves" his hand reaching up to tuck my hair behind my ear
"Do you realize how many women ask if they can get their hands on you?" I tugged on his nipple piercings, making him growl. Sliding his hand through my hair and grabbing a handful as he pressed his lips to mine.
I shrugged my robe off, letting it fall to the floor as I grabbed his cock, pumping up and down. He pulled my hair, yanking my head back as he kissed my neck, backing us up until I hit the glass doors. His hands slid down my body, grabbing my ass as he lifted me, wrapping my legs around his waist, sinking me onto his cock.
"Fuck" I moaned
"Hold on tight mama" he smiled, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, my finger wrapping around his little curly tail at the base of his neck as he started pounding into me. My skin stuck to the cool glass as he gripped my hips, the sweat beads starting to show on his forehead already.

I rested my head against the glass, fighting the emotions rolling through me. I could feel the high I'd been chasing starting to stir inside me as we both moaned. I yearned for that euphoria to give me the strength I needed to see Lorenzo tomorrow or well later today.  Max's hands were slipping from the sweat on our bodies as I felt my orgasm explode inside me. Moments later, Max hit his; both of us resting our heads against each other, catching our breath. He carried me over to the bed and we both collapsed; Max crawled over me, covering us both with the sheet as we passed out.

I made sure we got to the office at 12:15 knowing that Lorenzo would have left for lunch. Things were still so fucked up between us; it's been weeks, but I just can't let go. I had two hours until the presentation. I was thankful to Allison, my assistant, who put everything together for me, so I could get caught up.

I had Max working on food and drink specials for the rest of the month for the club.  I was concentrating on reading when heard Allison from her desk.
"Back from lunch so soon, Mr. DeLuca?"
Fuck! I acted as if I didn't hear, and kept my eyes on my computer as my anxiety went up a notch.
"Jessica" Lorenzo almost sounded relieved as he walked in
"Max" Lorenzo nodded
"Boss" Max nodded back
"I'm going to pick up our lunch. I'll be back" Max stood closing the laptop and then my office door behind him.
"You seem surprised that I'm here" I set my pen down as Lorenzo moved around my desk leaning against it
"I wasn't sure if you would be here" he held his hand out to me; I sighed and put my hand in his, standing up. I have been keeping our interactions minimal, I'm tired of the fighting, and even more since the twins left with his mom the other day. He pulled me into him, his one leg between mine, so I was straddling him, wrapping his arms around me.
"I miss you" his eyes darted between mine,
"Oh, you do?" I raised an eyebrow, calling his bullshit,
"Jess, I've told you a thousand times I'm sorry and I stopped. I want you back, and I want us back" he tightened his arms around me,
"Enzo... I told you I'm still hurt... I don't know" My eyes started to well with tears as they started into his,
"You need to come home so I can show you how sorry I am" he grabbed my chin, pulling my lips to his
"I could bend you over this desk now and show you" he started sliding his hand up the bottom of my skirt
"Lorenzo..." My hands gripped his arms as he slid one hand between my legs, sliding a finger into me,
"Fuck Jess, you are soaked for me already" he growled into my ear
He pushed another finger in, making me roll my head back and close my eyes. His other hand snaked around the back of my neck, gripping it as he pulled me to him. Crashing our lips together, he forced his tongue into my mouth, I tried to push away, but he held on tight, adjusting his fingers to curl into my spot.

My orgasm was almost instant and interrupted by Allison chirping on the intercom "Sorry, but Mr. DeLuca has Carrigan and a couple of other men waiting for him"
I leaned over Lorenzo to push the talk button as he caressed my ass
"No worries, thank you, Alison" I made sure the light was off on the intercom before I sighed
"Looks like you're needed" I attempted to smile.
"But I need my wife" Lorenzo pulled me into a kiss, and I pushed back from him
"Now you need your wife?" Asshole
"I never stopped needing you" he sounded so sincere.
"Oh," I felt my eyes widen as rage took over, "So you needed me when you were fucking that WHORE from god only knows what kind of club? For over a FUCKING YEAR." I stepped away from him,
"Don't fucking yell Jessica" he growled as he yanked me closer to him
"Fuck you, get out of my office." I backed away from him, pulling my skirt back down.
"I'm sorry; you were always bitching at me, and you were always so busy... I shouldn't have done it" his voice softened at the end, but my anger did not.
"I was always bitching because I wanted to be with you, and you were always busy! You turned everything into a fight so you could leave! And yes, I was busy! I was taking care of OUR children! Without you! Because you would always run to your whore! Who was the one back and forth to the rehab to check on your brother? Me!" I forced back the tears that wanted to fall as my chest heaved in anger,
"I know and I'm sorry. I want to fix this, but you have to let me" His eyes locked on mine,
"Let you" I huffed, "You were nothing when we got married... All this was because I believed in YOU. You were supposed to be the one that would never hurt me... You hurt me the worst" I felt the tears falling,
"And you fucking whoever isn't hurting me?" he snarled at me
"That feeling fucking sucks doesn't it" I wiped my tears
Crossing my arms and walking towards my office door as he grabbed my arm, pulling me close to him
"You are MY wife... don't forget that, and you aren't going anywhere... I told you before, I may not have been your first, but I will be your fucking last. If you think I won't find that son of a bitch, you are sadly mistaken" his words were like venom.
There was so much truth in them; we both knew I would never leave him; as much as I hated him at this moment, I did love him. This was my obligation. I couldn't disappoint Daddy.
"Let go of me" I tried to pull my arm from his grip
He finally released it and walked to the door, stopping as he put his hand on the doorknob
"When do you go to the doctor?" His voice was softer as he turned his head toward me,
"Next week" I mumbled under my breath
He nodded and walked out, closing the door behind him. My rage burned like an inferno as I grabbed the empty coffee mug on the table, throwing it as hard as I could at the door as I screamed, watching all the pieces flying everywhere. I stomped back to my desk, plopping in my chair as the intercom buzzed. I pushed talk, not saying a word.
"I have maintenance on the way to clean that"
"Thank you, Allison" I rested my head in my hands, elbows on my desk as I sighed

Max came back with our lunch; he walked in looking between me and the glass on the floor and raised an eyebrow at me setting lunch on my desk
"I see things went well" Max chuckled, pulling my salad out
"Ha. Ha." I looked at Max as I stabbed my fork into my salad. I finished my notes for today's presentation. Freshened up before heading to meet everyone in the conference room. As always, we put on the perfect show of a caring wife and a doting husband; the perfect couple.
We had it down to a science, like switching on a light or putting a mask on. The smiling and sweet tones, intimate touches, all for fucking show. I wanted the contract for these salons so badly for the company portfolios. Everything seemed to be in our favor by the end of the meeting. I had just enough time to go to my condo to change and meet my therapist before heading to the Cat Trap opening.  I checked in with Allison before grabbing what I needed and closing up my office. Lorenzo must have heard me and called me into his office.

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