~Maybe Adam knows what happened...~

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"Uncle Koaru?" Yuichuro called, entering the young man's office as his sister followed. "Who is that, Mr. Shindo guy that we met earlier?"
Koaru looked over at the two, questioning himself whether he should tell you both or not.

"Well, he is a friend of mine." He began. "But try not to concern yourselves with him too much. Especially without my knowledge."
The two twins looked to each other with curious glances before turning back to the adult.

"Why is that, Uncle Koaru?" (Y/n) asked, despite having no interest in ever seeing the navy haired man again.
"It's because his skating style may be a little too much for you two." The male twin's eyes widened as his uncle finished his sentence.

"Wait- Mr Shindo skates?!" The boy was practically sparkling with curiosity and excitement when he heard that, whilst the pink-haired adult sighed.
"Yes, Yuichiro, but please don't be reckless and go out to see him or anything."

The little (Y/n) looked over to her brother, worried that his excitement might lead him to not listen to Koaru.
"Don't worry, Uncle Kaoru. I won't do anything reckless!" The kid smiled as the adult wore a small grin.
"Make sure you stick to that."


Curiosity goes a long way, doesn't it?


As you sat on a bench in the emergency hospital beside Miya, waiting for Reki to be let out, the words that Adam had said that night began to make you curious.

'I wonder if Adam knows what happened... but would he tell me?'

Whilst you thought, the door to the room your redheaded friend was in opened, causing he group of you to stand up properly. You stared blankly at the boy, as he had a smile on his face and his arm in a sling.

"They said two weeks until I got a full recovery." Reki began. "There's no problem with my head!" At that, you all slouched back into your previous positions.
"It's fortunate for you that you got off with only that." Miya sighed as you hummed in agreement.

"Sorry about that, Miya." Your classmate now said approaching the teen next to you. "I said that I'd win."
"I already told you, the slime can never defeat the final boss." The Chinen started to stand up and walk past Reki. "But... I'll promote you to golem or whatever." The teen mumbled the last part.

"What did you say?" Reki asked him as you stood up yourself.
"He said that you looked cool." Langa stated, making the kid step back a couple of spaces to be in line with the Canadian.
"I didn't say that!"
"Gosh, Japanese is so difficult."

"There's no time for fooling around now." You turned to see Shadow wearing his hooded cloak. "We have someone here who's next in line to race against Adam."
"It's my fault I dragged you into this too, Langa." Reki said, looking over to his friend.
"It's not your fault." The blue-haired boy spoke. "Besides..." The four of you looked questionably towards the male.

'What's going on in that guy's head...?'


Whilst you slept in class the next day, dreaming about clouds and cats, you suddenly and annoyingly woke up to a scream.
"LANGA!" You turned to look questionably behind you, still with your head in your arms, at the now standing Reki.
The whole class looked at him, wondering what had come over him to yell out the Canadian's name so loudly.

Later that day, when Reki, Langa, and you sat down on the rooftop for lunch, the blue-haired male began to question the redhead.
"What was that earlier?"
"Sorry about that." Reki apologised.
"You woke me up..." You sighed, picking at your spaghetti that Joe had packed you.

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