ch. 1 - out

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Chloe's POV:

"You're gay?" Aubrey raised an eyebrow. I nodded and took a sip from my iced coffee. "Yeah! I-I've felt like this for a while now. I just wasn't too sure until now." I mumbled.

The blonde smiled and reached across the table to hold my hand. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you.'re the first person I've told, so, can we keep it quiet for now?" I asked. Aubrey nodded quickly. "Of course."

"Although..I was gonna tell the girls. I just don't know who I should tell first." I said. Aubrey thought for a moment, then grinned. "Beca. She's the most understanding, and I feel like she'd be really happy for you~"

"Woah, since when were you a fan of Beca?"

Aubrey rolled her eyes and sat back. "God, she isn't my favourite person, but she has her good days."

I smiled as Aubrey stood up and put her things in her bag. "I've gotta go, but I really do think you should tell Beca. Okay..see you!"


That night, I stood outside Beca's door and knocked three times. She opened the door and her face lit up when she saw me. "Chloe! Are you okay?" She was stood awkwardly, like she was hiding something. "Are you okay Bec?" I asked, laughing.

The brunette nodded and left the room, shutting the door quickly. She covered her chest with her jacket and looked up at me. "I'm okay. Anyway, I asked first. What's up?"

"I-I have something to tell you." I muttered. Beca frowned and nodded. "Go on. You seem nervous. Are you nervous?"

"I'm a bit scared, can't hurt. I'm gay." I announced. Beca gasped, then threw her arms around me and squealed. "That's great! Oh my God, I'm so proud of you for telling me!" She smiled. "T-Thank you. Gosh, I was dreading telling someone."

Her phone buzzed and she looked down, covering the text and sighing. "Uhm..I have something to do right now, but I'll come to your room later and we can have a sleepover like we used to?"

I nodded eagerly. "Yeah, that sounds cool! Bring booze?" I asked. Beca rolled her eyes. "You know me, Beale. I don't go anywhere without whiskey."

I laughed and hugged her before quickly running to my room.


Beca's POV:

"Jesse, I swear I'll send later. I wanna spend time with Chlo tonight." I groaned, exasperated. It was the third time in the last hour that Jesse had requested a picture of me.

I leant against my wall, on the floor, as Jesse complained. "Come on, Bec. If you really loved me you'd send now."

He was right - I was being tight. I sighed and moved my jacket away from my chest before slightly pulling my t-shirt down so most of my chest was revealed. I angled my camera down at it and forwarded it to him.

I felt disgusting, really. But I guess if it proved my love for him, it was..worth it?

"That's more like it. Okay, have fun. And don't forget about me again." He laughed. I bit my lip and zipped my jacket up. "Yep. Love you babe!"

"Love you too, Becs." He said before putting the phone down. I grabbed some bottles of whiskey and carried them out of my room and into Chloe's. "Hey Chlo! Sorry, Jesse was being a pain in the ass."

The redhead laughed and smiled. "It's okay. You look a bit shaken up, are you alright?"

"Oh, I-I'm great." I stammered. Chloe looked pretty doubtful, but she shrugged and stood up to take a bottle of whiskey off me.

"So..what made you realise you were gay?" I asked. Chloe looked up at me, our eyes locking. "Uh..I don't really know. I guess..I just really wanted to be in a relationship with a girl. I've never really been attracted to guys. Tom..he kinda put me off."

I shuddered slightly and nodded. "I knew he was a creep the moment I met him. 'Great voice.' Great voice? Who even says that to someone naked and clearly a bit freaked out?! God. How did you not notice earlier on?" I asked. Chloe shifted around uncomfortably. "I guess he didn't touch me up earlier on."

She looked sad, so I scooted closer to her and smiled. "Atleast you're safe now. And you probably won't go through that with a girl."

"Well, it's not impossible."

"But it's unlikely." I mumbled. "Anyways, I have to ask because I don't think it's any of your relationships with a guy, did any of them ask you to send?"

Chloe seemed confused. "Send? That's a bit vague, sweetie." I shrugged and looked away. ", a picture of your chest or something."

"Only Tom. And..well, you already know." Chloe replied. "Oh..Jesse asks for it sometimes."

She bit her lip and didn't reply. I looked down and laughed softly. "Sorry. Uh..wanna play Mario Kart and listen to my playlist? We can turn it all the way up to piss off the other girls." I grinned. Chloe nodded and stood up. "I'll turn the Wii on."


"REBECA! TURN YOUR FUCKING MUSIC DOWN!" Stacie screamed. She ran into Chloe's room, absolutely furious. "How did you know it was my music?"

The brunette stared at me. "Well, who else listens to Cavetown? Oh, and you listen to the same playlist all the fucking time, so I've memorised the exact order."

"I actually put it on shuffle, so the order is a bit..different." I mumbled as Devil Town slowly faded into Super Bass. Stacie shook her head and stormed out of the room. "I'm going to Aubrey's! It's probably more civilised there!" She shouted before slamming the door.

Me and Chloe looked at eachother before bursting into laughter. I rolled off her bed, which made both of us laugh even harder. "Are you okay, Bec?" She asked, still laughing. "I'm fine! Help me up." I smiled.

She reached out, putting her arms under mine and pulling me onto the bed. I lay breathless ontop of her, almost unable to move. She couldn't stop laughing, so she couldn't move me off her.

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