Volleyball practice

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Jimmy's Pov:

Id walk out of class. And to my locker. Id hear Scott yell "JIMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYY-"


Scott's Pov:

I was running from Lizzie "SCOTT, WHEN I CATCH YOU SCOTT, SCOTT" I maybe sorta told Lizzie about my crush on Jimmy. "JIMMYYYYYYYYYYYYY-" Id yell, and ducked behind Jimmy. "O-Oh- Hey Scott." Jimmy said, his brown eyes slightly hazle in this light, Oh my god- WHY ARE THEY SO PRETTY-. Jimmy smiled, his teeth a bit sharp. Id blush. "OK- STOP BEING GAY YOU TWO." Katherine yelled

~~~~~~~~~~~At practice~~~~~~~~~~~~

Jimmy's Pov:

Scott didn't really play, he just sat there. I swear I saw him wink at me. WAIT- DID HE BLOW A KISS AT ME OH MY COD?!??!?!?!?


Scott's Pov:

I was sitting on the bleachers. Id see Jimmy staring at me, id wink at him, and blew a kiss. He'd blush. Id chuckle. Id hear a squeak. And heard Shubble, and Joel. Id see Katherine and Lizzie's faces light up. Id smirk, Shubble yelled "OI SCOTT. YOU WEREN'T AT BOOK  CLUB." 'Shit i forgot we had a meeting' id walk to the fence, and whispered at Joel "I-Look. Katherine and Lizzie invited me here. I didn't wanna say no. 'cause. Y'know." Joel and Shubble both smirked. Joel called out to Lizzie "HEY BABE CAN ME AND SHUBBLE WATCH??"

~~~~~~~~~~In a few hours~~~~~~~~~~

Shubble's pov:

We- mainly me, thought we should have sleep over, at Katherine's. Not just because I wanted to meet her brother. Id look at Scott. He had a sleeping Jimmy on his back. Id smirk, and said "You are so red right now." he'd roll his eyes as Jimmy shifted, burying his head into Scott's collat bone. Lizzie jokingly punched Jimmy slightly. Jimmy mumbled "Go away bitch." Lizzie spoke back "Wake up cock-sucker, you're killing Scott at this point."


Jimmy's Pov:

I'd open my eyes. And saw Scott's ear and his pale blue eyes. I'd accidentally stare. Id feel Scott use one hand to support me. Id feel him gently grab my chin and kissed me...


Third person:

As the group walked. Scott stopped, and kissed Jimmy. The group was full of cheers. Jimmy's cheeks flushed a poppy color.(Yes. Poppy. 3RD LIFE REF💅)


Ps. Ill be having A Gem and Pearl focused Chapter next:3

WC: 389

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