Chapter 1

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"Are you going to sign the contract ma'am?"

He was dumbfounded about it, he didn't remember signing a contract nor, even meeting this man in black.

'What the hell is this??' he looked around him to see he was inside of some sorta house, he assumes.

He was looking at the contract, the man had and it seems something was written within. But because he is still confused about his predicament, he has only one thing to do.

' I'll decline it' He stands up from his chair and looks at the man asking him to sign the contract and said.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time here. But, I won't be signing the contract " he can hear a feminine voice?

'That wasn't my voice either' He was confused about it. While he pushed the man outside.

"What? Are you declining it, this opportunity won't arrive again-"

'This man is clearly asking me to sign a contract, Nah that was too conspicuous' He thought

"I'm sorry for wasting your time. But my decision is final" He said to the man who was completely shocked.

He pushed the man out of the place, before closing the door you can hear him to say.


*Closes the door*

After he closed the door, it seemed that the man had already left, meaning it's his house.

'Now I'm alone, why was my voice was feminine? Like I was a girl-' he was thinking for a reason then he realized something.

'No no no no no, that can't be' He rushes to the bathroom to look at the mirror just to see...

Not his face, nor his body entirely.

Instead he (somehow) became a dark-red haired girl with icy-blue eyes. He touches himself to check if it was a dream... But.

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The feeling was surreal, does that mean...

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