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Jojo was now deep (in ur mum) in the forbidden forest after  approximately 484 hours. She could hear the birds sing and the trees swaying.

Then she saw a tall man with a purple blazer on and a silver and purple mask but the mask didnt cover his mouth only his round head. He was holding a pole? or a staff. (its hawk moth)

H- Jojo? you seem frustrated...

J- who are you and i am.

H- i am ur problem solver.

J- really?because i just got screamed at and none of my exes want to be on my podcast :((((.

H- look at my eyes.

Jojo did as he said even though she didnt know why she was. He reached into his pocket and whipped out a black and purple butterfly. She was mesmerised by this and asked what it was.

H- this will make u powerful. All you need to do is murder snape.

J-w-w-w-what? no karmas a bitch that will get to him.

H- jojo that song was shit no it wont. Hear hold the butterfly.

Hawk moth hands Jojo the butterfly and her skin started to change into a pale grey colour  and her nose started to wither away. YOU GUESSED IT SHE IS VOLDEMORT!!!!!!!!!! although she still had her normal face just her nose missing and her same hair. (lucky)


H- made you into a powerful angry machine. NOW GO KILL SNAPE.

Jojo didnt know why but she started heading back to the school.

hermione x jojo siwaWhere stories live. Discover now