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I woke with a start, my eyes fluttering open to the harsh glare of my alarm clock. The red digits seemed to mock me, taunting me with the ungodly hour of 5:30 AM. My mind foggy, my body heavy, I felt like a prisoner sentenced to a day of mathematical torture.

Considering that I just got here last week, I feel like I've been here for months. School had started four months earlier, and I had just resumed. Talk about fashionably late, I'm like so many miles behind schoolwork that I have just a week till midterms.

As I hit the snooze button, a fleeting sense of relief washed over me, only to be replaced by the crushing realization that I couldn't escape the inevitable. Calculus class loomed, like a spectre of confusion and frustration. Why am I even doing this in the first place? 
a question that I'd always ask myself because I did not think I'd continue any type of mathematical problems after high school.

Who am I kidding? Of course, I'll do this and more because I picked a really intense major to begin with.

I dragged myself out of bed, my legs feeling like leaden weights. The chill of the morning air enveloped me, making my skin prickle with goosebumps. I shuffled towards the bathroom, my reflection in the mirror a testament to the cruelty of early risers. Seriously, how are people so happy and full of sunshine every morning?

Dark circles under my eyes, hair a tangled mess, I looked like a victim of some cruel experiment, and it doesn't help that i have really stubborn curly hair.

The water on my face was a brief respite, a momentary shock that jolted me into partial consciousness. But as I stumbled back to my room, the weight of my responsibilities came crashing down. Calculus, with its arcane symbols and Byzantine rules, seemed an insurmountable fortress.

Yet, I knew I had to breach its walls. With a heavy sigh, I reached for my trusty coffee mug, the bitter brew a necessary stimulant for the battle ahead. As the caffeine coursed through my veins, I felt a glimmer of determination ignite within me. Perhaps, just perhaps, I would emerge victorious from this day of mathematical combat.

With a newfound sense of resolve, I slung my bag over my shoulder and stepped out into the crisp morning air.

The world was still waking up, but I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Bring on the equations, the derivatives, and the integrals – I was prepared to conquer them all.

I take back what I said, I am so not ready for this.

There are so many weird inscriptions on the board that I can't even keep up with, everyone seems so busy talking to each other and I'm at the back, alone and away from the "noise" taking in my environment and the people inside it.

No one looks approachable... not that I'm looking for friends or anything like that. It's just nice to have someone to talk to regularly, yunno.

Class was finally over, and I was so glad to be done.. I didn't even understand shit at all, I really need to find someone at my faculty who's good at math .

I started walking towards the door when I bumped into this slender brunette ..

"Oh, I'm sorry. Let me help you with that, "  I offered

" Thanks, I'm Sloane, by the way," she said, bringing out her hand for me to shake

"I'm Faye,"

"So, freshman?"

"Yeah, I am," I replied, seemingly done with the conversation, I just really wanted to get out of here .

"Oh, me too! I see that you're going in my
direction. Let's walk together? "

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