bounce bounce bounce

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A/N: yes I'm writing a battle cats fanfic stfu also the concept for this fanfic is so bad but it's not that bad of a fanfic imo THERES ALSO NO TWS???? IN AN indigo_skiez STORY???? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY????

"Nothing? Nothing at all? Not a single battle?"

"Not for you, at least."

Tin Cat stared up at Kai, a disheartened expression on his face.

"Soon, Tinny," Kai continued, "it's just that today we aren't dealing with anything you'd be remotely good against. You'd just die, and we'd have to rebuild you again. So we're keeping you in the base until you're useful."

"Makes sense," Tin Cat spoke, trying his hardest to not show how sad he was.

"Great! Well, I'll be out on the Moon, have fun!"

Tin Cat shifts around, following Kai with his eyes as she walks away, leaving his sight. He stood in silence in the middle of the cat base. If he could cry, he would've.

It just wasn't fair. Everyone was having fun. Fighting their battles, winning the games, all without Tin Cat but their side. Sure, he wouldn't be any help, but he wanted to have fun. Even death was a rush of fun, but this just wasn't.

"Hey! Tin!" Tin Cat was snapped out of his trance by a sudden voice ringing out from somewhere else in the cat base.

Tin Cat slowly moved around in a circle to look behind him to see the source of the voice. It was a cat he never really talked to, that being Shaman.

"I see they left you behind too, huh?" Shaman Cat walked right up to Tin Cat, "We got like 12 of us in here, and we're still leavin' people behind?"

Tin Cat springs forward in his own sort of nod.

"Come with me, I have an idea for us outcasts." Shamans turns around, making a motion for Tin to follow him.

Tin follows behind before speaking again, "Aren't you supposed to be like... good against whatever they're fighting out there? I heard something about floating, and I also heard something about you being good against it."

Shaman let out a small laugh, "No clue, I've been here for maybe a day. Never once seen the outside of these walls with you guys, so I've been experimenting."

Tin grimaced a bit, feeling bad. At least he's been in a battle before, Shaman never had. This was something Tin should've noticed by now, never being out in a battle with Shaman before.

"Alright, alright. Don't freak out, this is gonna be really weird. So, you know I do magic and stuff, right?" Shaman asks, pausing in front of the doorway to his room.

"No, no I didn't," Tin springs from side to side to simulate shaking his head.

"Oh. Well, I do. I'm a shaman for a reason. I've recently figured out that I can do something really neat, that I think you'll love. Or hate, I don't really know you too well."

Tin let a concerned expression creep on to his face, unprepared for whatever was behind that door.

"Let's go," Tin finally says.

Shaman looks back at Tin with a small smile, before creaking his door open.

On the inside of his room was a ton of... demons, or something similar. Probably hundreds of shadowy figures dancing around the space. All of them were cat-like in a way, some being copies of a normal cat and some only having whiskers.

Tin stood in front of the door in pure shock and surprise watching the demons dance around the room.

"Don't be shy," Shaman spoke as he walked into the room, the demons instantly grabbing onto him.

They gently threw him around, seemingly playing catch with him. He giggled the entire time, enjoying the experience.

"Tin! Come on in, it's fun!" He spoke between giggles.

Tin took some hesitant steps toward the door. Once he reached the doorway, a demon gripped him by the sides and brought him into the room. He let out a small yelp before being flung around the same way Shaman Cat was.

"See? Isn't this great?!" Shaman calls out.

Tin cat could only spring forward in a nod as a response. That movement caused him to lurch forward, sending him straight into the face of one of the demons.

The demon he landed on had him held in its arms. It took a hand to his back, spinning the key attached to him. This sent him launching forward even quicker than before.

Shaman let out a loud laugh at Tin shooting all across the room.


"That was... a lot..." Tin spoke in tired giggle.

"You really stole the show, huh? They were really throwing ya' around." Shaman comments.

"Gosh, yeah," Tin tipped over, falling on to his face with a loud clank.

Shaman laughed, peering over to the door where Kai and the other cats entered the cat base.

"God job team!" Kai says, way too excitedly before turning her attention to Tin and Shaman.

She rushed over, picking Tin Cat up, noticing the indents on his whole body.

"Are you okay?"

"No need to worry, I'm fine. Nothing happened," Tin gives Kai a reassuring smile.

"Nothing bad, at least," Shaman says.

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