9: Operation find Atsumu

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"You're both late." Ms. Tamaki said with narrowed eyes. Both kenma and akashi had just burst through the door, hair disheveled from running and a tad out of breath.

Kenma looked around the room and noticed that nearly everyone was already there. Akashi curtly apologized while kenma just sat down next to one of the boys sat on the couch.

"Alright now that most of us are here, let's get started. Now as you all know you are required to attend these meetings every month. Just because you are all eligible and in college that doesn't mean that you can go back to your old habits like drinking and doing drugs. I need to make sure you're all staying clean, happy, and healthy."

Ms. Tamaki had been raising at least 10 different boys in her foster home since they were young. Since he grew up with all of them, kenma considered them his brothers or super close friends but he always felt a close connection with akashi. Akashi was his best friend and they were there for each other when they were at their lowest. Out of everyone in the world, akashi definitely meant the most to kenma and akashi felt the same way about him.

Kenma was clean finally, though it's been extremely hard for him. He smokes weed from time to time to help with his withdrawals. He knows it's wrong and Ms. Tamaki definitely doesn't improve but it's how most of the boys cope with staying clean.

"Where's Atsumu?" Ms. Tamaki suddenly asks and kenma and akashi look at each other knowingly.

Atsumu does this thing where he goes awol. Sometimes it's for a couple of days, other times it's a couple of weeks. The worst it ever got was him disappearing for 6 months. Ms. Tamaki called the police and a search party found him in an apartment he had been living in with another man who was his roommate. He refuses to tell anyone why he leaves randomly but kenma has a hunch that it has to do with his past. Atsumu is one to run away from his problems so he avoids them for as long as possible.

Which led them to now. Kenma and akashi hadn't heard from atsumu in a couple of days. Not one text not one call. But they didn't want Ms. Tamaki to freak out again or for atsumu to get in trouble so they did what they did best.

They lied.

"He's spending the day with his boyfriend. It's their 5 month anniversary." Akashi said with a calm face.

"Woah since when does he have a boyfriend?" One of the boys, shirabu asks.

"You know him...he's private. It took him a while to tell us let alone you guys." Kenma said and Ms. Tamaki hummed with narrowed eyes.

"Well tell him if he doesn't show up to the next meeting he'll end up getting his last strike."

Kenma panics inside. Strikes are a way for Ms. Tamaki to keep track of how we're doing. If one of us relapses, gets arrested, or does something dangerous like that we get a strike. If one of us were to get three strikes they'd be forced to live here for a couple of months again for rehabilitation. Living here has always been fun, Kenma never dreaded staying in the foster home. But it's hell when you've relapsed and are forced to get better. Ms. Tamaki helps a lot by talking with everyone and helping them get better but kenma would much rather stay outside the foster home and he knows atsumu agrees with that.

"We'll make sure he comes next time." Akashi says and Ms. Tamaki nods. He takes kenma's hand and squeezes it tightly. Kenma understood. They needed to find atsumu so they had to find someone who knew where he was first.

When the meeting had finally finished it was 6pm. Kenma and akashi were hungry so they decided to stop by a small cafe that was only a five minute walk from the dorm rooms.

After kenma and akashi ordered they put their focuses back on the problem at hand.

"So what's the plan? The next meeting is on monday meaning we only have a week to find him." Kenma pointed out and akashi sighed as he thought. But then an idea suddenly came to kenma's head.

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