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"IS SAIKO ABSENT TODAY?" The teacher asked, holding a stack of papers.

"Saiki, could I trouble you to go give him these handouts?" He reluctantly turned around, and agreed to it.

"Apparently he's been on vacation in Dubai with his family." Other students continued to gossip around about the rich kid's whereabouts. But Saiki was busy being annoyed with having to go to his house.

'Good grief.' Saiki sighed mentally. He would've found the task a lot simpler if he teleported, but there were a few friends refraining him from doing so.

Aren, Kaidou, y/n and Nendou. "Why do we have to go out of our way for that stupid rich boy?" Aren spat with a closed fist.

"Who is this 'rich boy' anyways?" y/n asked, looking up at them. Plenty of students have newly crowded the school, and y/n being the most recent, it was true that she hadn't met the 'rich boy' yet.

"O-oh yeah... you haven't met him yet..." Aren muttered, his closed fist now fallen beside him.

"Well he's just another arrogant rich kid who thinks he owns the world." The purple-head complained.

"He calls us peasants too, who does that?!" Kaidou joined in on the complaining. As much as Saiki didn't like Saiko, the complaining from the group was getting annoying.

In the midst of complaining, Nendou asked, "Is there really a good ramen place?".

y/n sweatdropped, but knew he meant well. "If there is, I'll pay for you guys when we get there." She offered.

"AH~ thank you y/n!" They all cheered with a glimmer in their eyes. The girl laughed and waved them off with a hand.

"His house is just around the corner." Kaidou pointed out. Saiki was a few steps ahead, complaining in his mind.

"Let's see this rich boy's fancy pad." Aren had confidence, thinking that his residence wouldn't be as nice as it seemed. But when they got there, they were greeted with a three-story mansion. All stood at the front gate, in complete silence. "It's huge!" - "A huge ramen restaurant!"

The metal doors then opened, a golden light flashing. Then revealed a quite attractive looking boy, with grey hair and gold ear piercings. Around him were seven bodyguards. "What in the world is this..." y/n sighed, standing tall so she wouldn't lose her own confidence.

He began his introduction by laughing, looking down with his arms crossed. "What brings you peasants here." His voice was strong until the girl came to his eyes. They immediately widened and red flushed at his cheeks.

"O-oh! I-I haven't seen you before-" he sputtered out, stepping back slightly. She was no simple-looker. She had eyes brighter than diamonds, hair which framed her face, and the cutest rosy cheeks. Teruhashi had a glow around her, but y/n's glow was much brighter!

Trying to compose his posture, he coughed out and stood back up. "I mean- Who is this now?" Saiko attempted to ask in a stern voice.

"l/n y/n." She responded with just as much confidence, pulling a hand out for him to shake. Saiko was never the one to touch someone, let alone another 'commoner'.

A bodyguard pushed forward, ready to slap her hand away, but Saiko interrupted. "What are you doing?!" He scolded the elder. Cowering back into his spot, Saiko looked back at the girl. He wanted to say something; a 'hello' or even for her hand in marriage.

"We came all the way here to bring you the handouts since you missed school!" Aren jumped in, noticing the atmosphere and mood had changed.

"Aren't you supposed to be in Dubai anyways?!" Saiko stepped back, leaving y/n to drop her hand. He crossed his arms and looked smugly at the group. "I returned this afternoon on my private jet." Wanting to show off, he quickly side glanced to see her reaction.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂'𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋, revival | saiki k.Where stories live. Discover now