New farmer at Phantom Farm

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*KABOOM!* I quite honestly nearly shit myself , I feel like I'd only been asleep for 5 minutes, and now I'm in a heap on the floor clutching my chest , sweating buckets. "What the fuck?!" After finally regulating my breathing I managed to pull myself off the floor after fighting with my duvet first and ran my fingers through my hair staring at my bedroom door. I already know it was Demetrius... I didn't want to go up there and face him I really couldn't promise I could bite my tongue but I should probably check that my mom and Maru were okay. Begrudgingly I dragged myself upstairs using the banister to pull myself up having next to no will to be doing exercise when I've basically not slept.

Well I didn't have to go far to see if mom was okay , I hadn't even made it to the top of the stairs before I could hear her yelling at her husband, validly so in my opinion, I mean it's only... wait what time is it? Once I get to the top of the stairs I poke my head around the wall to my left to see the clock in mom's shop. "Demetrius what the actual fuck are you doing at 5:30am that managed to exploded and probably wake the whole valley up..." I glared rubbing my eyes listening to footsteps slapping against the floor as Maru came running down the hall. "Oh gosh! What happened is everyone okay!" She said panicked. "Everyone is fine dear, one of your fathers beakers exploded and sent a fireball into the rafters! Thank Yoba I used fire-resistant lacquer when I built the place. But seriously you work with plants love, how on earth did this happen."

It was too early for this much socialising and I need nicotine. Turning on my heels to head back to my room my mom called out "Oh Sebby I'll be out this morning, old farmer Trevor's granddaughter is moving onto Phantom Farm, Mayor Lewis has asked me to join him in greeting her. Please make an effort to be nice!" "Of course that's aimed at me ... why would it be aim at Maru..." I muttered to myself. "Yeah mom okay." I shouted behind me sarcastically before shutting myself on my room. Well I don't see the point in going back to sleep now, may as well get dressed and have a smoke I suppose. I stuck my hand into my t-shirt draw of my chest of draws and pulled out a random band shirt before grabbing a pair of ripped jeans... I hate the fact I have to buy women's jeans , curse my wide hips and thick ass but at least they were tight I suppose.

After rolling a cigarette I decided to venture outside to smoke, its been a while since I've been awake early enough to watch the sunrise and as much as I'm not a fan of the sun and heat , sunrise and sunset were the only exception. I pulled my hoodie over my head , feeling the weight of it grounded me , it held me together and made me feel whole. I'm definitely happy I got a XL instead a medium. With that I grabbed my lighter and headed outside, the chaos from before had finally died down and I managed to sneak out the front door without anyone bothering me, as soon as I stepped outside I stopped to spark up my cigarette, the early morning breeze making it slightly more difficult than it should have been , I took a drag holding it in before releasing all the tension I didn't realise my body was holding. I walked forward looking out over the valley, as much as I can not wait to get out of this place,  the view from our front door is amazing, I can see pretty much everything from here. "Old farmer Trevor's granddaughter is morning onto Phantom Farm..." I subconsciously looked East toward the farm in question, it was over grown , debris everywhere and what may as well be a forest. Poor girl has a lot cut out for her I thought as I took another drag of my cigarette.

Moments like these where the rare moments I enjoyed living in such a dingy little valley in the middle of nowhere , all I can hear is the birds singing, the breeze smelt lightly of salt from the ocean and everything was almost shining gold with the gleam of the sun reflecting off of the land. Flicking the Ash off into the breeze my thought wondered back to the new farmer. I wonder what she is like.... its been quite a long time since someone new moved into the valley , I suppose Leah had to be the most recent and even she had been here for at least 2 years already. I mean she is alright, I mean we don't really talk but Abby and Sam both get on well with her it's just I'm always hidden in both of their shadows so I don't have to deal with too much social interaction.

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