Unconfidently confident

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Clint was a man of his word, two days later I got a call saying I could pick up my necklace and he did such an amazing job. The chain was such a shiny silver colour and delicate, I'm happy he didn't make it too chunky because I think I'd have been overwhelmed by the weight. The frozen tear sat perfectly in the little cage , all in all it was perfect, not too bulky and in your face. I put it on straight away tucking it inside my hoodie out of sight, I didn't want everyone to see it , it was personally only for my selfish eyes to see. I haven't taken it off since even nearly two weeks later as I'm getting ready for the flower dance, tucking it underneath my shirt out of sight.

Quite honestly this necklace has done wonders , especially at the egg festival when everyone in the valley came together, I felt sick walking down to the centre. I took a seat on a bench next to the community centre and pulled the necklace out from under my hoodie and held it, taking deep breaths and focusing on its meaning, the reason I have it ... on Amber the memories of her laugh, her smile were enough to bring me back to earth and make my way to the egg festival. Throughout the festival whenever I felt a twinge of anxiety I fidgeted with the crystal through my hoodie, Amber came to the egg festival and was the life of the festival, socialising with everyone she could , making everyone smile. I watched as she played with Jas and Vincent, listened to the stories and memories of George and Evelyn and made her way around the people until she reached me , Sam, Abigail and Leah.

We stood and had a good chat for a while until Abigail and Amber started talking about the egg hunt, I could see the fire in both of their eyes, Abigail was bragging about winning every year and Amber was determined to beat her. Once Mayor Lewis made the announcement that the hunt would be starting soon, everyone taking part made there way to center of the festival huddled around waiting for the hunt to beginning and once it did it was one of the funniest things I had ever watched. Jas and Vincent just wondered around walking past several eggs as they did so, Sam and Maru found about 2 eggs each but Amber and Abigail were out for blood, they ran around like crazy! I have no idea where they get all their energy from but they pushed and shoved each other to get to the eggs, unfortunately for Abigail she wasn't fast enough. Even with an advantage of living here longer , Amber took the win with 11 eggs and she couldn't have been more pleased with herself. She looked so cute, her smile shone as bright as the sun and her freckles glowed like fire in the dark. Her dimples where on display to all as she excepted her straw hat prize which she gave to Evelyn to wear when she is tending to the local garden plots. Abigail looked defeated but smiled and hugged Amber , they shook hands congratulating one an other for the epic battle, once everything had calmed down Amber went over to Vincent and Jas and gave them 4 eggs each which made both of them giggle with joy before she made her way back to our little group in the corner. Abigail split her eggs with Leah both of them giggling to themselves as Leah made jokes about the faces Abi was pulling as she ran around the place. Amber gave one egg to Sam who smiled and excepted it gratefully and handed a purple one to me with a smile. "This one is for you, I don't know why it made me think of you but I made sure to save it just for you." She smiled, my heart beat hard in my chest, fuck one day she's going to give me a heart attack!

Well now I'm stood in my room in front of my mirror getting ready for the flower dance, I hated wearing the blue suit, I swear blue really isn't my colour at all but as they years go by Lewis is letting us tweak the outfits little by little. This year I thought fuck it , I'll throw a choker on, I'd gotten two for the dance, one for me and one for Abi but we weren't dancing together anymore. I'll take it anyway just incase she wants it, the choker itself was light blue with a white flower on it, as much as I hate the colours , it matched the stupid outfits we all had to wear. My door knocked and I turned to see my mom at the door, she looked lovely in her white floral dress. "Morning Sebby, you ready do go? Awwwww don't you look lovely!" She said excitedly coming over to check out my outfit. "The choker looks nice honey, did you get one for Abigail, you two will look so cute dancing together!" I completely forgot that mom had no clue I didn't have a dance partner now, I hope she doesn't get too upset. I know she's always loved that I'm part of the tradition of the valley. "Well I did but I won't be dancing with Abi today." I said looking away, fidgeting with the frozen tear through my shirt. "Oh? How come?" My mom asked curiously, tilting her head to the side. "Abigail will be dancing with Leah, they are dating now." I said with a smile, they two make such a great couple. "Awww that's so sweet!" My mom said , at least she is happy about the news , not long later we headed out towards Cindersap Forest. The walk from up here is so long and in this heat I felt like I was going to die, shirt, waistcoat and blazer all seemed like too much for such a outdated tradition to me but who cares right?

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