🌸≈☆'||Volume 1||'☆≈🌸

677 16 57

🌸~'|Chapter 1|'~🌸
*"Hello, Kanao"*
Side ships
Slight language
Muichiro x Tanjiro


🌸*~'|Muichiro's pov|'~*🌸

Welcome to the life, of a society awkward person, a common person your gonna see in your lifetime. My name is Tokito Muichiro, and I currently have no friends other than my brother. I mean my brother has friends, but he can socialize, and trust me, you wish he never did. Anyways, I don't talk to much people, I only do it when I'm like forced to do group projects, but I'll do the work and like don't give my ideas as much, so basically I receive all the credit. Not many people like me, considering I'm the younger brother of a stupid idiot who decided it have a bad reputation, and not to mention I ain't the prettiest thing you'll see.

It's the first day of freshmen year, back at school after winter break, and I am not ready to be back, if I had a choice I'll choose to sleep for thousands of years. A couple new students joined our school, and my classes changed a little sadly, like why did they have to do that?! Second semester, and they expect me to get used to a new schedule?! As I wakked through the hallways, looking for my new class, I heard the students making comments about my long hair, these were new students, by new students I mean the sophomores. My new class is in the same hallway as the grade above me, and they always think they are better because that's the year they brag about cars and shit like that.

As I entered the classroom, I realized I was a little to early, because there was a single girl standing alone, cleaning the classroom, was it cleaning time for her, or was she doing this freely. The door made to much noise, she turned around and jumped a little. I was a little stunned, I knew her. Kanao, Tsyuri, the prettiest girl in the second year grade level. Her hair looked soft and well kept, her uniform smooth and elegant, her face and a beautiful eye color to match her soft features. At the moment, I felt envious, she was perfect. She heard made a noise, she was like a silent beauty to everyone.

"Ummm.. I'm sorry is this room 203? Or did it get changed..." She didn't really say anything, she just nodded awkwardly and continued cleaning, her face red from embarrassment. Even when movements were graceful, and yet she is still single. "do you need help or something?" I asked and she shook her head. "I'm fine...thank you.." she managed to say, her voice hardly above a whisper. Her voice was gentle, everything about her compared to mine, was perfect. Sometimes I wonder how girls do it, how can someone like me, look like her?

"Yeesh...your beautiful..." I accidentally said and she turned around, tilting her head. I covered my mouth in embarrassment and she smiled a little, "that's alright, I think your hair is very beautiful...I can never have long hair..how do you keep your hair so neat...?" She thinks my hair was beautiful? Noone has ever said that to me before. "Oh! I said to much!" I laughed as she covered her mouth as well and she walked over to the desk and placed her book bag on the side, apparently our seats were next to each other.

"Your alright, I'm Muichiro by the way...you wanna hangout sometime?"

"I would love to.."


That's how Kanao and I became friends. We quickly bonded over our awkwardness, and we had a lot of things in common. She was pure and innocent, it's like she has to be protected no matter what, but she can protect herself and become independent. I always thought Kanao was independent, but apparently she and a crush on one of the boy's in the second year, so one for he upperclassmen. "Come on tell me!"

"I-Im sorry it's embarrassing!"

"Don't worry, it's not like we talk about romance often, I won't judge you, if anything I would even know them!"

"I'll tell you later! O-okay?"



She did ended up telling me, but being the forgetful person I am, I forgot his name. I mean I wouldn't have known him anyways, it's not like he'll ever be that important, but still, Kanao never shown an interest in any boy we came across. So I wonder what's so special about him, that drew her near him? A couple months went by and my mother told me I should go look for someone I should marry by now, why should I? I never wanted to date anyone in the first place! I wanna be independent! I wanna be single forever!

As I was tasked to take papers to the teacher next door, I managed to trip over someone's shoe and fell down and the papers scattered across the floor. I heard the voices, "Inosuke! Zenitsu and I told you to stop tripping people on purpose!" So this Inosuke decided to trip me in purpose? Wasn't he the stupid trouble maker who wears that hideous mask? What did I ever do to him? The hell? Highschool's super weird. I decided to ignore it and grabbed the papers and stood up when I felt someone grab my shoulder, It scared me a little, their hands felt stronger than mind, and it a small tight grip.

I turned around and blushed, it was a taller male student, wearing a standard uniform, and had beautiful crimson eyes, I blushed at his appearance, I never seen a more handsome guy in my life. I couldn't help but feel my heart race and my cheeks heat up, I felt addicted like a moth to a flame. "Umm..hey.. I'm sorry about my friend Inosuke...he isn't exactly polite... I'm Tanjiro! it's nice to meet you! Hey my family owns a bakery! I can make you something to make up for it!" He can cook as well?! I blushed and nodded, "I'm Muichiro...yeah... I'll like that..um hey I was wondering if...you wanted to maybe hel-

"Hey Tanjiro!" I heard Kanao yell as she ran over and kissed Tanjiro and my heart shattered in that very moment, Kanao never told me she got a boyfriend, nor did she ever say anything like she was seeing a guy, why? The way he held her and smiled at her, I felt envy, like the first day I met her. If only I never looked at him, maybe she gave me a heads up, I would've avoided falling for him instantly.

"Ummm you were saying Muichiro?"


"Oh yeah! Sorry... Muichiro. This is Tanjiro, my boyfriend..you know the guy I told you I liked? I'm sorry I never introduced you yet, I was planning on telling you this morning but I didn't see you..."

"It's perfectly fine..."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah.. I'm fine.."

"Umm..if you say so? Hey, if you ever need to tell me anything, please tell me okay?"

"I'm fine really! It's nothing to worry about!" My friend, has a boyfriend, a boy who has a pretty face and gentle smile, whose presence feels like an angel, he looked innocent and pure like her, I wanted to learn more about him, bur I couldn't, I couldn't dare to steal my best friends boyfriend from her...

But what am I?

A friend or a foe?

🌸*~'|Thanks for reading|'~*🌸
~'|1268 words|'~

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