3. Pickup fame

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Leah pov:
This morning just after dropping Mia off, Harper's mum messages me...

Hey Leah,
I know you're extremely busy but today the school put a sub in the class! Normal I wouldn't think twice about it but they put Mr Jones in there... he the strictest teacher and I'm sure Harper will help Mia as much as possible but he known for making kids cry
And panic so I thought to give you a heads up
Kindest regards
Freda (Harper's mum)

After getting that message I knew something was bound to happen! Mia never likes being yelled at... even by me or the girls joking around yelling she HATES it .... So I knew that it would be hard long day for poor mia!

It was 9:20am I pulled up to training I was early for once! I walked in greeted some of the girls and thought to let Jonas know that Mia may have a tough day and I might need to bring her here due to the sub!

I knocked on his door...

J: hey Leah what brings you here
L: thought to let you know today Mia has a sub teacher which is known for yelling and being a bit loud and mean! She does not cope with loud noise as you know so I may need to pick her up but I hope not!
J: that fine Leah but bring her here if u pick her up early so u don't get behind in training before the big game!
L: thanks!
J: all good see u on the field in 5!

With that I lefted his office and went to the field and grab my boots!

Charlotte pov:
I knew Mia wasn't alright! she only just joined the academy but I could sense she didn't try out, not saying she bad or anything she just in randomly middle of the season! Middle of the school year she appeared? Like she been hiding... I know she hiding something more than the dislike for that teacher MORE a lot MORE!

We arrived at the office she seemed panicked I asked her multiple times what's wrong she said she can't go home her mum busy she can't go home nobody can pick her up! Which was strange!
C: come on Mia you need to go home or atleast u can't go back to class!
M: FINE but you go back to class and I'll go myself
C: nope can't do ur panicking and I'm staying
M: oh... ok

Mia pov:
My cover gone! She gonna find out mum gonna be mad and everything mum wanted to AVOID gone like that over a stupid sub!

As we got to the office it felt real I was gonna tell the minute I found out!

C: hi miss Sally... Mia here a bit overwhelmed and should go home!
S: oh that's no good! Want me to ring mum or dad for you....
M: well...
Charlotte spoke over the top of me
C: she only got a mum!
S: oh um yep ok?

We stepped back and sat down!
I was freaking out straight away I blurted out
M: Mum gonna miss training and I need to explain something to you?
C: what okay?
She showed a puzzled look but I knew I had to speak
I whispered
M: my mum she well don't freak out or react or anything please
My mum well Leah Williamson...
Her jaw dropped shocked but joy filled her face
C: no way cool!
M: do u still like me for me tho? Not just for my mum
C: of course but who actually knows or only me?
M: obviously the whole team and Harper
C: COOOOOOOOOOOOL! I'm gonna meet my idol!
M; don't fan girl please!
C; won't promise!

The room filled with silence apart from sally on the phone

I was just starting training and it was 9:35am! Then Jonas randomly called me over? I panicked what did I do wrong was it good was it bad or personal
J: Leah!
L: yeah?
J: your phone... I have a feeling that you'll need to pick her up
L: oh sorry yep give me a minute

On the phone
S: hello this is North district public school is this Miss Willamson
L: yes it is? How may I help you
S: your daughter Mia been brought to the office due to a panic attack and stuff and would like to be picked up!
L: I can pick her up in 10-30mins around 10
S: thanks and please be aware at 9:50-10 we've got break 1 for 4-7 so it may be busy
L: ok thanks!

-phone call over-
L: Jonas I'll be back in 40? If that ok
J: of course I'll get a safe member ready to look after Mia
L: thanks bye

I rushed off knowing a PANIC ATTACK is bad for her!
Harper struggles to support her in those too.... Hopefully only Harper there and it won't be noticed but I'm either going during older kids break or youngers...

-Lotte wubben-Moy POV-
Training had just stared but Leah left in a rush my thoughts were worried knowing it must be Mia... what had happened will she come back is Mia okay! I knew I could text Leah or she'd come back!
Lessi saw a bit of panic on my face
A: it's Mia! I over heard the call!
L: yeah fingers crossed not bad
A: she coming back tho well I 99% sure unless she THAT bad!
L- yeah!

-general pov at the school -
The bell rang the kids rushed out but a car pulled up kids ran to the gate dropping everything to find out who's arriving or leaving! Unlike normal nobody knew this parent to have a kid! Or to be a parent they knew her as a Player not any player a footballer for England! LEAH WILLIAMSON! Harper saw her and knew it was for Mia and rushed to the office! On the other hand Leah was surrounded but fans!

Leah pov:
I arrived senior break had begun the worst cause the little ones would be clueless less to who I am but the older ones weren't so clue less! That was the least of my care I just wanted my daughter! I slowly moved through the crowd of around 300 kids toward the office! High fiver saying hi to so many kids! I could see the office! Mia and an unfamiliar girl along with Harper outside wanting to get in but it's locked due to play!

Harper saw me and called me over
H:Leah leah! She left class this morning and never came back but she was shaking and stuff..... but only u can go in they said I'm not allowed for some stupid reason!
L: oh? That's strange! How's Mi mi sitting with anyways?
H: Charlotte the queen be! She sat next to her in class and came up with a random reason to take her to the office!
L: ok! Thanks again Harps I'm gonna bring her to training.... She might be back tmr!
H: ok Leah!

I go inside to find my daughter and Charlotte sitting there and a crowd outside the door!! It was annoying Mia so much as I already know she hates the attention! The crowd stayed too I thought they would follow me and go pack to there snack! But I was sooooooooo wrong!

M: Mummmmm!
L: mi mi! You okay! Heard you had a panic attack? You okay!
M: yeah! Charlotte helped me!
(They hug)
L: thanks Charlotte! I've seen you play for U14 a few days back!
C: OMG REALLY! I'm gonna sound fan girly cause your my idol i can't believe a close friend of mine MOTHER freakin Leah Williamson Ahhh I'm still in shock! This is so cool! Thanks for the compliment still in shock!* she spoke realllllly quickly*
L: wow ok! Calm down don't need 2 panicked girls do we!
M:hehe nope
L: anyways i better get back to training mi mi grab your stuff!
M: ok! Am I coming or going to home or to Nona's house!
L: coming darling!
M: mmhm!

Mia goes to grab her stuff from the class room!
L: do you want a photo Charlotte?
They take a pic and soon enough Mia comes back!
L: now back into the jungle of kids! Thanks again Charlotte!
C: no probs
M: byeeeee

They walk out and tones of kids have their phones out and take pics! Leah keeps her head down and Mia grips tight onto Leah's hand!

They walk out and tones of kids have their phones out and take pics! Leah keeps her head down and Mia grips tight onto Leah's hand!

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Words: 1453

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